Chapter 4

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I just wanna say sorry about this chapter taking so long (my motivation has disintegrated)
TW: Blood, gore

Owens POV
Me and Mohwee walked through the maze, both of us keeping our heads down.
"Why'd you take my side?" Mohwee asked
"Oh, uhm, because we're friends?" I said as I looked up at him.
"and also because I don't wanna stay in the clearing either." I added.

I had an idea to cheer us up. Quickly I tapped his shoulder.
"Tag, your it!" I shouted before running off in a random direction.
While I was running I turned my head around to see Mohwee running after me.

I stopped in my place as the stone floor in front of me was replaced by a pit of bubbling lava, so I began looking around for a solution. Aha! The walls had vines on them.
I jumped up and grabbed onto one of the vines, which was luckily strong enough to support my weight, then I used it to swing myself over the lava and onto the other side.

I turned back to the pit of lava, and saw Mohwee swinging across the pit too. So I began to run in the opposite direction while laughing.

I slowed down at the sight of a wall in the way of my path. Mohwee was only a metre away from me as I slowly backed up while we were both giggling like children.
As I was backing away I felt something on the back of my leg, a tripwire. Before we had time to react arrows were shooting from the wall.

I looked at Mohwee while trying to not get shot, he was on the floor with 2 arrows impaled in his arm.
Before I could run up to him, my left eye was shot with an arrow. Just like Mohwee I fell to the ground in pain, maze arrows were so much more painful than normal arrows.

I looked up with my right eye, the dispensers had stopped shooting arrows now, but when I looked at the ground there was warm red blood instead of the cold stone.

"Owen?" Mohwee said

I looked up to Mohwee who was holding his shot arm.

"Oh god- Owen that looks- really bad" Mohwee said, staring at my impaled eye.

"We should probably go back to the clearing" I said before coughing up some blood.
Trying to ignore the pain in my left eye, I stood up along with Mohwee.

"At least our legs didn't get shot, right?" Mohwee weakly said

"Yea, I guess" I answered.

Time skip bbgs - nearly sunset

There was one corner we had to turn before getting to the clearing, but the fact I was so dizzy was slowing me down, I could also tell Mohwee was dizzy.

As we were approaching the corner I heard voices.

"Why isn't Owen back yet!" is that Apo?

"How do you know he even left?"

"When I went to check up on him, he wasn't in his house! Or anywhere in the Clearing!" Yep, that's Apos voice.

"Guys! Mohwee isn't home either!" Was that Oeca?

I glanced at Mohwee, and I could tell he could also hear them. I tried to take another step but fell out of dizziness.
"Owen-" I heard Mohwee weakly mumble before helping me up.

We walked around the corner.
"Guys.. Guys! That's them!" I heard Graecie shout.
I couldn't see well but, I think I could make out everyone in the clearing rushing to help us. Their voices starting fading, and it became dark.


I woke up in my house with a bandage across my eye, I quickly gathered my thoughts and remembered what had happened. Me and Mohwee had been injured in the maze, after Red and Graecie told us not to.

"Thank god you're awake!" Apo exclaimed.

I used a bit of my strength to turn my body around and saw Apo sitting on a chair.

"Me and Rasbi were so worried about you. What were you thinking to go into the maze-!"

"Is Mohwee okay?" I interrupted him, feeling guilty for being the one who triggered those arrows, maybe if I had been more careful we'd both still be fine, and nobody would know about us entering the maze.

"He's fine, he woke up yesterday" Apo answered as I was trying to stand up.

"Yesterday!? How long was I unconscious for!?" I questioned.


Mohwee POV


It had been nearly a day since I woke up after nearly dying from those arrows. I couldn't help but feel bad for Owen though, he was only shot once but the arrow pierced his eye. There's no way he'd be able to see out of it again.

I had been checking up on him every now and then, but I wasn't able to do it a lot since Oeca forced me to rest. He wasn't here now though, so I should probably go check if he's awake.


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