Chapter 3

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Guys btw there are a lot of shippable bits here but this is not aimed to ship Mohwee and Owen it's to show the FRIENDSHIP between them 🙏

Owens POV
As Mohwee and I cautiously made our way back to the clearing, I could feel my heart pounding with every step. Once we reached the clearing, we both took a deep breath of relief, glad that the maze doors had closed behind us. To our relief, there was nobody watching the doors as we arrived, and as far as we knew, nobody knew about us entering the maze.

Mohwee turned to me with a smile on his face. "Tomorrow at sunrise?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Without hesitation, I nodded my head as a response, my own excitement matching his own.


After returning home, I made sure to pack enough food and arrows for tomorrow, before finally lying down on my bed to rest.


1 week time skip


Rolling out of bed with a stretch, I let out a big yawn before looking around my room. As I sat up, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment washing over me. In the past week, me and Mohwee had been going into the maze together every day, exploring every corner and secret passage we could find. As we got to know each other better, we started trusting each other more and more, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a great friend by my side.

Despite the exhaustion, I felt happier than I had in a long time. I'd stopped looking for a way out a while ago, satisfied with spending time with my friend, exploring the maze together. I couldn't speak for Mohwee, but for me, this was more than enough.

Also, since me and Mohwee had been exploring the maze every single day for  we had developed a kind of unspoken streak. We both felt a certain thrill going into the maze every day, and we both knew that neither one of us wanted to miss a day or break our streak.

As I looked out my window, I realized that it was almost sunrise, and that the maze doors would be opening soon. Grabbing my bag, I hastily threw some food and a few arrows in before grabbing my bow and rushing out of my house.


As I made my way to the maze doors at sunrise, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement wash over me. Me and Mohwee had made it a routine to meet here every day before the doors opened, and today was no different. However, as I arrived at our usual spot, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. Mohwee wasn't here.

With a slight furrow of my brow, I looked around for any sign of my friend, but there was no trace of him. I decided that the best course of action was to wait for him in case he overslept. I took a seat on the ground, my hands gripping the handle of my bow. I looked up at the maze door, watching with rapt attention as I saw it slowly open. Where the heck is Mohw-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my name being called out. I turned my head towards the source of the sound, and to my surprise, I saw Graecie rushing towards me.

As she ran up to me, Graecie took a moment to catch her breath before finally speaking up. "There you are! Why are you here- Nevermind." Her eyes squinting from the early morning light.

Before I could reply, she continued, "Everyone in the clearing is meeting for a, you know, catch up. You HAVE to join us right now, everyone is already there" With a smile, Graecie turned and began walking towards the centre of the clearing, beckoning for me to follow along. So that's where Mohwee was.

With a slight shrug, I got up from my spot by the maze doors and started following Graecie towards the centre of the clearing.

When I arrived at the centre of the clearing, I noticed a table with some food on it, and I saw Mohwee sitting on one of the chairs. I immediately went to sit on the chair next to Mohwee, I was about to say something to him but Red interrupted.

"Look who's finally come out of their houses" Red said playfully while looking in the direction of me and Mohwee.

I guess Mohwee also told everyone that he was inside his house like I did, while we were actually exploring the maze

Before I could say anything back, Apo had tapped my shoulder with Rasbi behind him.
"Hi Apo, Hi Rasbi" I turned around to meet them, trying to hide how exhausted I was from running around for hours every day.

"How's that Construction thing you mentioned a while ago going?" Apo asked
I froze for a second confused on what he was talking about, but then I remembered the first time me and Mohwee snuck off into the maze, I used an excuse saying I would be inside doing construction.

"Oh uhm, Yea it's going good" Is all I could think to say, feeling guilty that I had to lie to Apo and Rasbi.


I saw Graecie talking with Red at the end of the table, then Graecie stood up like she wanted to say something, so everyone went quiet. Graecie cleared her throat then proceeded
"Me and Red have talked about this, and we both agree that- If the majority of others agree- we could just"
She paused seeming hesitant
"...Stay in the clearing, permanently"

Suddenly all my thoughts about me only exploring the maze to have fun disappeared, now I wanted to look for that exit again. I looked around the table to see everyone, other than Mohwee, nodding seeming to agree. Seriously?

Me and Mohwee Instantly turned our heads to each other, before I saw him stand up angrily.
"You've GOT to be kidding me!? Stay in the clearing? What about our old lives!" Mohwee snapped at them, More towards Graecie and Red.
I could see everyone slightly jump at his sudden outburst.

Then Red stood up "Mohwee, we have everything we need to survive in the clearing, and none of us even remember what our old lives were."
Mohwee was interpreted by Red as he continued "Besides, everyone is clearly happy here, doing their own thing, and not getting injured every time they go into the maze!"

I should probably back him up.

I also stand up in annoyance.
"That's just stupid! Me and Mohwee hav-" I quickly cut myself off, right, I can't mention any if our entries into the maze.

"What?" Red growled at me to continue. I just look away and grunt in return, having nothing to say, well nothing I'm allowed to say.

Glancing at Mohwee I can tell he has nothing to say either. Grabbing his wrist I lead us out of the area, glad when the tension in the air is gone.

I look up to the sky and sigh, it's before midday. "Now would be a good time to go into the maze, since everyone is busy talking about, permanently staying here." I say the last part in a slightly angrier tone.

"Yea" Mohwee agreed "Let's go"


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