Chapter 1

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Owen's POV
I Lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been a long day of sitting around a campfire with the people I've lived with for the past year or so - It's hard to keep track of time.

People keep trying to enter the maze, and whenever they do, they come back injured or just in time before the doors close. So everyone in the clearing promised each other that nobody would enter the maze for now, since we can all safely survive in the clearing without any problems.

I know we can't stay here forever though. I haven't told anyone but, farming and training all day gets boring. I honestly hate this maze and I want to leave as soon as possible. We all want to return to whatever our old lives were before this all happened, at least I do.

Suddenly an idea popped up in my head, what if I were to go into the maze and try to find an exit? No.. If I were seen then whoever saw me would definitely try to stop me, especially Apo. Ugh, what am I thinking! We all made a promise that everyone has to keep, including me. Besides, I can find things to distract me during the day, maybe practice my archery?

Yea, that sounds good. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, letting my consciousness drift away as I listen to the sound of the night outside.


Slowly, I open my eyes to see the golden rays of the sun peeking through my window. I groan, feeling groggy as I realize that I've only gotten a few hours of sleep. As I sit up on my bed, I take a deep breath and rub my eyes. I know today will be a long day. I grab my bow and quiver and head outside to practice.

As I pull back the string of my bow, I can't help but see Mohwee in the corner of my eye, staring at the Maze doors.

Quickly I put my focus back to the bow, I let go of the string and watch as the arrow completely misses the target. I'm too tired to practice archery, maybe I'll go and pick some of the crops from my garden

After I get to my garden, I quickly pick some apples off a tree, me and Apo could make some Apo pie again? It's been a while since we did that together. We normally just hang out instead of cooking.

6 days later

"This is pointless!" I walk around in circles in my house "Everyone seems so happy ever since we promised to not enter the maze, but I'm not!"

I turn my head to my window, to see the tall maze walls as my view. "The only thing I remember about who I was, is that I was raised to protect and fight, not sit around doing basically nothing!" I shout at myself.

I sit down on my bed "I wanna get out of this place, but entering the maze alone is dangerous, even for me" I continue talking to myself.

"Maybe I could invite someone to come with me?" Then I realised how stupid that was, everyone is happier like this, and would just tell everyone as soon as I mention anything about going back to the maze.

Hmm, what about Mohwee? He seems like the kind of guy who would want to recklessly run into a deadly maze with me, plus he isn't a bad fighter. Now that I think about it, we wouldn't be a bad team.

But I have the feeling that if I were injured, he wouldn't care enough to save me, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that if we were always side by side.

If he does say no, I don't think we are close enough yet for him to want to stop me from going in the maze alone. But he might tell the others.. Is it worth it? Yes.

It's almost 2am. Everyone is most likely asleep other than me, but that's fine, I could just go to Mohwee's house and wake him up to ask him.

With that, I go outside as quietly as I can and begin walking to Mohwee's house. I'm glad the clearing isn't that big, so it only takes about 3 or 4 minutes to walk to another person's house.

Half way there I stop as I see someone in the dark, heading in my direction. I squint my eyes and see that it's Mohwee. "Mohwee?" I ask.

"Owen? What are you doing up at this time?" Mohwee said, slightly surprised. "I was actually going to your house to ask you something, but uhh, why are you up?" I stare at him only barely being able to see him in the dark. "Wow, really? I was going to your house to ask you something too." Mohwee replied.

"Well uhh.. I guess we're both here now, you ask first" I say. "Okay so you're gonna think I'm crazy but.." He starts speaking but then pauses.

"Go on?" I quickly say, losing my patience.

"Will you uh, come with me to explore more of the maze?"
He says quieter than before.


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