Deleted scene: Hostage

Start from the beginning

"This one's been tortured."

Light tap against your cheek. I'm telling you to wake up.

You open your eyes and meet dark chocolate brown eye and bandage. Staring into your face.

Osamu Dazai.

Member of Port mafia. He wasn't an executive yet.

One next to him with red head and temper was Chuuya.

Why were they doing in a place like this?

Chuuya complained about finding the boss and finishing this.

"Of you want the boss... Be my guest. He's two doors... down from here." You were starting to have trouble catching your breath. Chuuya blinked at you.

"How do you know where that man is?"

"I've been there once or twice and beaten in there. "

How long have you been in here.

"Five days, fifteen minutes and six seconds."

How do you know how long been here.

Internal clock and sun rotated from one end of the room to another. Ancient eyptians used to use the system. Plus, one of the guards had a wristwatch.

Dazais eyebrow raised. Quite impressive.

Revealed reason wasn't just deal with boss. I am looking for nde informants and heard ine in former neutral area quite good.

Kidnapped and brought her. Trying find then would be a challenge.

Do I tell them.

I'm curious how you came to be here of all places.

A man in a black and white suit came in and bowed to the boys. Asked for a report.

The men have checked the rooms and found the boss's room, but there was no sign of this informant person. He'd say she was in the room.

Turned brown eye to you.

"Well, well, you just got more interesting."

He got out a piece of metal and broke you out of your handcuffs. Your body immediately slumped to the floor with a thump.

Incredible weal, but we were able to get to your feet. Leaning against the wall.

Lead them to the door, ignoring all the dead corpses and blood stains everywhere.

Crouched in the corner of the office with bodyguards was the one boss. Frightened and paranoid out of his mind.

Kicked him in the balls once. Cringed.

Didn't deserve to be killed by you. Walked away and left them to the mafiscos to finish off.

Crap. You had reached your limit.

"You're coming with us."

Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Reader (BSD)Where stories live. Discover now