CHAPTER TEN, a great day together

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Nico walks over to Lucky and kneels down, holding out his hand for Lucky to sniff before giving him a gentle pat on the head. "You're doing a great job, Lucky. Keep spreading that joy, buddy."

Lucky barks happily and wags his tail, clearly enjoying the attention from Nico. Alaina can't help but smile at the sight, feeling grateful for the bond between Nico and Lucky. It was moments like these that reminded her of just how lucky she was to have both of them in her life. She and Nico went to play with some of the other animals, and soon they found themselves laughing and having fun.

They were currently in the area where the cats were kept, and Alaina had a kitten curled up in her hands, purring softly. She and Nico were on the floor, a few kittens were crawling on them, trying to get comfortable. They were a bit wary at first, but they warmed up quickly to them, especially Nico. Alaina looked over at Nico, her heart melting at the sight of him cradling a tiny kitten in his hands, a wide smile on his face.

"I don't know how it's possible but you're even cuter with a kitten in your hands," Alaina chuckles. "And here I thought it was impossible for you to get any cuter."

Nico looks up and gives her a mock offended look, feigning offense. "Hey now, are you saying I'm not always cute?" He teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Alaina giggles and shakes her head, reaching over to ruffle his hair gently. "Of course not, you're always cute. Especially when you're being all sweet and cuddly with these kittens."

Nico grins and leans in, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "Well, I can't help it. They're just so adorable."

"They sure are." Alaina smiled, her gaze softening as she looked down at the kitten she had on her lap. The kitten had curled up and passed out, its little paws stretched out and its breathing steady. It was a sight that never failed to warm her heart, and she could see why Nico had a soft spot for cats. They were so peaceful and adorable, and they had a way of melting your heart.

After spending some time with the cats, they made their way to the dog area, where the puppies and the dogs were kept. They were much more hyper and energetic than the cats, but just as adorable. Alaina and Nico found themselves surrounded by wagging tails, wet noses, and eager licks as they played with the puppies and dogs. It was a sight that had her heart melting, and she was grateful that they had the chance to spend some time with the animals at the shelter.

They spent some time playing with the animals before deciding it was time to leave. They went to Nico's bike parked in the parking lot and put their helmets. "So, are you gonna tell me this time where you're taking me for our first offical date?" Alaina asked curiously.

"Nope. It's a surprise again." Nico smirked.

Alaina rolls her eyes playfully and sighs. "Fine, but this better be worth the wait."

"It will be." Nico promised as he mounted the bike. He helped her get on, his heart skipping a beat when her arms wrapped around his waist and her body pressed against his back. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of the day with her.

He starts the engine and drives off, heading towards their destination. Alaina closed her eyes, savoring the moment and letting the breeze wash over her. She felt relaxed and content, and she couldn't wait to see what the rest of the day had in store for them.


Alaina grins when she saw the familiar beach that had the secluded alcove that they were going to have their date at. She remembered the first time they were here, and she could still recall the way her heart had fluttered when she found out Nico had made a picnic basket for them. She couldn't believe how far they had come since then, and she was excited for what was to come.

CAN'T GET ENOUGH! nico alexanderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon