Part 5

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Warning: Spoilers ahead

Part 5

Shi Qingxuan slipped out of bed like a cat. Well, more like a kid sneaking out of bed for a cookie at midnight.

Inching towards the kitchen, Shi Qingxuan thought he heard something. Was it Yin Yu? But he passed by the guest room and their door was closed.

Hmmmm. Something smells fishy. Literally.

Shi Qingxuan sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. It smells like dead fish. Shi Qingxuan paled, why would it smell like dead fish??

Has the house always been this creepy at night? The moonlight passed through the windows causing ambiguous shadows on the walls.

Shi Qingxuan sucked in a breath. Nope, he's gotta suck it up. No matter how much he would like to slither back into his room and under his blankets that were still warm and toasty, he needed to find the culprit. It was now or never.

Shi Qimgxuan reached the kitchen.

It was times like these when Shi Qingxuan wished he learned karate. There was a person, at least he thinks it's a person. Shi Qingxuan couldn't really tell because all the lights were off. Okay, there was a humanoid figure- near his fridge.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Shi Qingxuan let his eyes adjust to the darkness, his heart pumping so loud it was the only thing he could hear.

The figure was dressed in all dark, with his hair loose on his back. Shi Qingxuan thinks they were wearing robes and the parts where their arms and hands were exposed appeared to be deathly pale in the moonlight.

AHHHHHHHHH. Shi Qingxuan silently screamed. There really is a ghost haunting his house-!!!

Omgomgomg. Part of Shi Qingxuan wants to run out of the house screaming. Another part of him wants to take out his phone to record this and post it on YouTube for clout.

The last part of him saw his blueberry cake on a plate being eaten by the ghost.

Shi Qingxuan's eyes grew as wide as the plate.

Hold on.

Aren't ghosts unable to touch solid stuff? Much less to consume them?

Also, aren't they supposed to float?

And don't they got a habit of possessing people?

This ghost was not conforming to the rules of being a ghost.

Was it a ghost?

For some reason, his guts are telling him this ghost is a man.

A beautiful, pale, eerily man.

Shi Qingxuan got goosebumps.

Omg, is this really happening?

What should he do now??

Shi Qingxuan hasn't seen his face yet, their face being obscured by their hair. The man was eating the cake, slowly, with a... hey, is that his fork?

Shi Qingxuan could see his nose and mouth, the man had nice features- or at least a nice side profile. The food disappeared in his mouth. Shi Qingxuan gripped the side of the doorframe. That's his blueberry cake!

Shi Qingxuan watched in disbelief as the man ate the whole thing up and left no crumbs.

Shi Qingqiu was mentally rolling on the floor with anger.

"HEY! THAT'S-!" Shi Qingxuan clapped his hands over his mouth. Oops.

Uh oh.

The figure slowly turned its head. Shi Qingxuan's eyes widened, unable to move his hands from his mouth.

A pair of glowing yellow eyes with black pupils like a snake stared back at him.

For a moment, they only looked at each other.

Shi Qingxuan's vision began to blur and an image overlapped the person in front of him. The same glowing eyes in a dark dungeon, cruel and impassive, sending chills and cold sweat down his back. Their mouth opened,

You called for the wrong person.

"Argh!" It felt like Shi Qingxuan's head had split open, all of a sudden, it hurts it hurts it hurts!

He clutched his head and shut his eyes, his head hurt so much! Shi Qingxuan fell onto his knees. It hurts. It felt as if someone had punctured the center of his skull with an iron nail and dragged the nail through his skull, while all this time, piercing their nails into the flesh of his face.

Shi Qingxuan couldn't open his eyes from the pain, tears seeped out from the corner of his eyes. He was blinded by the pain but there seemed to be something else behind it, it was a man in black robes, his hair tied in a ponytail- Ming-xiong...?

"...You're my best friend," Shi Qingxuan mumbled.


Drenched in sweat, Shi Qingxuan suddenly realized it no longer hurt. He slowly lowered his hands and blinked. There was not even lingering pain. "?"

Shi Qingxuan raised his head to look.

There was no one there but him.




Witnessing Shi Qingxuan experience the unbearable migraine as his brain strained for long-lost memories made Yin Yu want to step in. And he nearly did but he knew he shouldn't interfere.

He took out his phone.

It's him.


Yin Yu sighed and slipped away, back into his room before Shi Qingxuan would notice. Though he doubted Shi Qingxuan would notice anything.

Poor boy, Yin Yu thought in his head. It has been so many centuries. So many lifetimes for Shi Qingxuan.

The fool is bound to make an appearance soon, Chengzhu had said.

Having disappeared for so long, Black Water must've thought about many things, his Highness had said thoughtfully. I think... he misses him.

Is that why he turned up now? Yin Yu wonders.

Black Water He Xuan, whom nobody has seen since a decade after Shi Qingxuan's first death?

To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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