Part 3

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Warning: Spoilers ahead

Part 3

"Food? Going missing in your house? Haha, are you sure you didn't just eat them in your sleep? You little piggy~"

The teasing never stops. Shi Qingxuan was about to stand up and bite Pei Ming's head off when an older classman slid open the door.

He gazed around the classroom before landing his eyes on the two of them. He looked at Pei Ming with what Shi Qingxuan could only call disdain.

"Pei Ming, stop poking fun at him. Go to the cafeteria with me."

Pei Ming immediately reappeared at the guy's side and poked at him, "Oho, go to the cafeteria with you? What are you, a prince-"

The man elbowed him, hard, in the guts. He paused and gazed at Qingxuan who was visibly gloating over Pei Ming's hunched-over figure, glee on his face. Serve him right! "..."

He stared at Qingxuan for a few seconds, then turned around and left.

Pei Ming saw and straightened up, hurrying after him, "Hey hey, wait up, Longqing!"

They left.

Shi Qingxuan sat back now. "..."

A moment later, he saw Quan Yizhen hurrying past the classroom and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Oi, Yizhen!" Qingxuan called out.

Quan Yizhen stopped, turned his head, looked at Shi Qingxuan, and then continued to hurry off.

"...hey hey hey, where are you going?" Shi Qingxuan appeared next to him, matching his footsteps.

"I have to talk to Shi- Yin Yu-ge." Quan Yizhen said without slowing down.

"Oh, where is he?"

"He went to the bathroom."


Shi Qingxuan halted. With a face filled with black lines, he grabbed Quan Yizhen and stopped him. "Stop."

Quan Yizhen looked at him blankly.

Shi Qingxuan let out the loudest sigh he had ever given to anyone and mentally shook his head.

"What makes you think it's a good idea to talk to someone while they are trying to relieve themself?!"


"But yesterday he said that he would see me at lunch but he did not see me at lunch." Quan Yizhen frowned, "I saw him talking to him."


"That Hua person."


"But he's with Xie-xiong."

"Then why is he talking to my Shixiong?"

Shi Qingxuan's eyes zoomed out. "Shixiong?"

"...Yin Yu-ge."





"Why didn't you say anything?"

"What are you talking about?"

Pei Ming walked alongside his friend and he shrugged. "You know~ You looked like you wanted to say something to Xuanxuan."

Shen Longqing looked pointedly at him, "What would I say?"

"I don't know~ I'm asking you." Pei Ming grinned.

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