Timeing and Precision

Start from the beginning

Brandon: "I'm a Hybrid, first of all. Second, the term you're looking for is 'Half-breed'. Third, I take that as a compliment, means I look more like the kind I fight for then you dumb fucks. So All Hail Humanity, and have a good day."

I put one of the clamps on the bar as I got shoved into the bench. I turned around and socked the asshole in the jaw, hearing a snap.

I was ready to fuck these Furfags up. He tried to hit me, but I kicked him into a radio which prometly turned it on.

His buddies then rushed me as I took one of the fifties off and slammed it into one's chest and uppercut him with it. The other one managed to get a hit on me, knocking me to the ground. I pick up a kettleball and slammed it into his shin. Another Anthro threw a bench at me, so I rolled and chucked it at his head, caveing in his skull.

I got up and got pushed to the dumbell rack, which I took a 50 pound one off and slammed it into the wolf's back, hearing a slight crunch. His reptile buddy tried to rush me, so I threw the wolf at him and shoved his ass through the window of the gym into the hallway.

I picked another dumbell as the wolf got back up, readying his fists. I just slammed the weight into his head and chucked it at the radio, demolishing it.


I knew they wanted me aswell. I geared up and left the gym, leaving my mess behind.

**Scarlet POV**

We were waiting for The Slayer to show up. It's been ten minutes since we showed up.

Glory: "Why are we waiting for this prick again?"

Com. Milton: "Last. Warning."

Erica: "Dad, you know what she went through."

Com. Milton: "Some things you just need to let go. And she will in time."

We heard the door open and saw him walk in.

Com. Milton: "You're late Slayer."

The Slayer: "And?"

Com. Milton: "You kept everyone waiting."

The Slayer: "Be greatful I showed up at all."

Scarlet: "In any case, what's the mission?"

The commander then set the files on the table, telling us that there was an old gas staiton hiding crucial information on traitorous outposts.

The Slayer: "Isn't this more, I don't know, 'Zeta' team type shit?"

Com. Milton: "Think of it as a benchmark test."

The Slayer: "I lead a pack from you scumbags, you know what I'm capable of, and I'm also the first person they'd expect to attack them."

Com. Milton: "Look, Just complete the mission. Follow your leaders orders and you'll do fine."

The Slayer: "Fine."

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