Chapter 39

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We enter the Great Hall to see our schoolmates spread about the room dancing, drinking, and socializing. I Do It All Night by Ludacris is playing through the speakers as I look around to see if I can spot Eleanor and Ramona. 

Draco and Theo stand by my side, guarding me, as Mattheo and Blaise stand behind us. I look to my left and see the twins standing by the snack booth, eyeing me. I tilt my head up as to say what's up and Fred winks at me. I laugh quietly to myself and walk through the crowd of people that's in the middle of the room. The guys stay back as I continue and I look over my shoulder at them. 

"Well come on.." I yell raising my eye brow at them and smirk. They proceed to follow me to the front of the Great Hall when I see Eleanor and Ramona standing against the wall, passing a joint. 

"Hey hey.. Look who it is ladies and gentle-dudes!" Eleanor yells and passes the joint to Ramona so she can wrap me in a hug. 

"Wow! Alright. Someone is a bit stoned, are we?" I ask laughing. 

"You need to get laid, babe," she whispers in my ear and pulls away to look toward the guys behind me. "You have so many options, and not just from Slytherin house I've gathered," she turns her face toward Fred and George who are pouring drinks into everyone's cups. 

"I have a feeling something will happen before the night ends. However, all the parties I've attended so far never lasted more than thirty minutes for me, so I want to truly enjoy tonight, here, with all of you." 

She scrunches her nose up at me and takes the joint from Ramona and passes it to me. "Here you go, babe."

I take the joint from her and turn toward the guys. I take a really long drag and walk over to Theo and exhale the smoke into his mouth, then to Draco, then to Mattheo. 

All three of them exhale at the same time and look at me like they're about to come apart. I quickly turn back to Eleanor and Ramona, not wanting to see their expressions any longer, because if I keep on, they'll want to leave in the next five minutes. 

I grab Eleanor's hand and pull her to the dance floor, swaying along to No Role Modelz by J. Cole

The guys stand near the wall watching us with smiles plastered on their faces. We dance and laugh together and for a brief moment, I think about what it would be like to turn them on without allowing them to do anything about it right now. I wrap my hand around the back of Eleanor's neck and kiss her lips roughly, smiling through every kiss. After a few seconds, we pull away from each other and just laugh. That's what I love about our friendship, nothing fazes us, no matter how crazy it is. 

I glance over at the guys to see their reactions. Draco readjusts himself through his black slacks while Theo stands wide eyed. Mattheo takes a hit from the joint and licks his lips. I smile to myself, knowing I achieved my goal, I got to them

We walk back over to the guys and I grab Theo's hand and pull him to where Eleanor and I were just dancing. I wrap my arms around his neck and he stills for a brief moment. 

"Theo?" I question him squinting in confusion.

"I'm sorry babe.. I just.."

"I know what you're thinking.. but I know deep down that it wasn't you, Theo. I know that the real you would never do that to me. You were basically hexed by Voldemort," I tell him. 

He looks down at me and leans in to rest his forehead on mine. "I love you so much, Eden."

I swallow hard at hearing those words. I don't know if I'll ever truly love either of the boys the way I love Theo.. He's shown me every side to him, except for anger, which I'm not so sure I want to see. Theo is my rock. My safe place. He's the only person that has seen every side of me. Yet, he loves me anyways.

I am so in love with him, and even though the love that I have for him may be forbidden.. by Draco, by my father because he has the Dark Mark, hell, maybe even by Mattheo, I don't care. 

It may be a forbidden love, but I just know that he is my forever. 


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