Chapter 22

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We enter the Great Hall to find that it's not at its normal full capacity. Not many people dine at school on the weekends, I've heard. 

We all sit together at the Slytherin table and begin eating. We sit and chat about our game of Spin the Bottle and laugh at everyone's tasks, or dares.

"Man, I'm going to have rash burn forever!" Crab complains to Theo while uncomfortably rubbing his behind. We all bust out laughing at his complaining.

"Eden.. I have to say.. Your task was most definitely my favorite of the night," Goyle says in between bites off of his pastry.

Everyone laughs as I make eye contact with Theo. He smiles seductively and bites his lower lip, and I look away trying not to get turned on while sitting between Draco and Mattheo - who knows what might happen if they knew someone other than themselves has caught my eye.

I continue eating and making conversation with everyone when all the sudden a thousand fireworks shoot off through the Great Hall. I look around to try and find out who could possibly be responsible for this act, and it's none other than Fred and George Weasley, of course.

I stand up, gazing at all the lights flashing toward the ceiling, when I see Fred and George walk in. They strut down the long walkway and as soon as everyone sets eyes on them, they start applauding their mischievous prank. I can't help but laugh at how spontaneous they can be at times.. They make their way over to where I'm standing and greet me.

"My my.. If it's not Slytherin's primo girl," Fred announces as he runs over and picks me up into a tight hug.

He sets me down and George immediately places a kiss on my left cheek.

"Looking good this evening, Eden," George says as he bows to me jokingly. "Why thank you, sir," I reply curtsying and laughing.

"We missed you after last night's episode at the rave. Would've been nice to have spent some more time with you afterwards," Fred winks. 

After I got drunk last night, I ended up with Mattheo and Draco. Even though nothing happened, guilt begins to wash over me. I really should have spent more time with the two of them.. seeing how they went out of their way to personally invite me. 

I can feel Draco and Mattheo's eyes burning a hole into my back as I slowly glance down at them. Just as I do, Draco raises an eyebrow at me talking to the twins, openly throwing an annoying expression at me.

"Umm.. How about I meet up with you two tomorrow, yeah? During free period?" I suggest to the twins.

They both smile and agree to come find me tomorrow. Fred gives me another hug and kisses my neck, right in front of Draco. 

"See you tomorrow, gorgeous. Sleep tight," Fred winks once more and walks away. George smiles and proceeds to follow Fred out of the Great Hall.

I sit back down between Draco and Mattheo, waiting for the smart ass comments I know are coming my way.

"What was that about?" Mattheo asks harshly.

"I think they like me too much." I reply, taking a bite of my dinner. Mattheo scoffs at my reply as Draco agrees with my statement. I ignore their remarks and make conversation with Theo about Transfiguration class, because him and I were partnered up on the first day of classes. "I'm having a hard time grasping the lesson Professor McGonagall taught on Friday," I say to him.

"Why don't we study sometime this week? We can go over the lesson more in depth," Theo suggests with a generous smile. 

"Really? That means a lot you want to help me," I blush. "Oh yeah, it's no problem at all," he says.

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