Cops And Robbers~ Violet

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"Hey...uh, Mr. Robber Person!" I yell after the masked man, who, by the way, didn't even acknowledge my pretense. I mean, how rude is that? After about a mile of consistent running, I start to slow my pace, my shallow breaths quickening their pace. Man, someone would of at least warned me I'd have to sprint this whole dramatic chase thing. At least Mr. Not-So-Smooth-Criminal actually got the memo!

"Seriously, that was your plan?" I jump as an unamused voice utters that to me, and then do I realize the girl, probably my age, maybe a little older, in traditional water tribe garments...actually...was she in a wedding dress? My forest eyes widened as I noticed the Ruffles flowing out like waterfalls at the bottom of her gown, her ocean blue heels grasp in her left hand as she ran. Her flowing blonde hair, which used to be in a formal, neat hairdo, had strands of anonymous hair drooping here and there, her crystal blue eyes serious, but yet a bit of amusement dancing in between. I innocently shrugged, before turning a sharp right after the man.

Just as we turned, a fireball flew past my head, and I could practically hear the crackling flames whiz past my ear, landing near the mans feet. I sharply looked back to see another girl, with tattered fire nation clothes, and a auburn haired girl with strawberry blonde streaks.

"Wait, who are you people?!" I ask astonished, sure I pursued this adventure alone. I shook my head, turning back to the robber, which was still running. Okay, dude, I've been chasing after your sorry butt forever! My coffee is probably cold back at the cafe!

Being done with this chase, I skillfully bend the air, pushing the man towards us with as much force I could manage. A massive wave of air throws the man back, right into the fire bender and water bender's arm.

"No way..." The red head gasps, starring at me shocked. "You're an air-bender!" I wince as she says it aloud, and I motion for her to whisper. Even here, in a random inky alleyway, it's dangerous for people to know.

The water bender, clearly done with whoever we were running after, roughly pulls of the ski mask, to reveal a young man, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. I stick out my tounge at him as he meets my gaze, blowing raspberries at him.

"Are you kidding?" The man asked, clearly not amused. "I've been caught by a fairy princess," he nods his head to the blonde. "A introvert," he points to the red head. "And a five year old trapped in a teenage girls body! Crime just ain't like it used to be in the old days." The three of us simulation sky roll our eyes at his comment, waiting for the police to arrive to lock Mr. Sarcasm over he up.

"So, thanks for the help, dudettes!" I exclaim, a beam lightening my face. "I'm Violet!"

"Korrina" the blonde replies, a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"Xena" adds the red-head, her hair acting like a shield to hide her face, but I could tell she was wearing a tiny smile. I examined the two girls, and nodded.

"This should be interesting."


Mila, your turn!

Later Weirdos!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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