Chap.1: My Name Is Violet

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"Violet, come into the kitchen, please, it's time for dinner", I hear my mother call. I stare at the scenery around me, and find a petite yellow painted room, with daisies and butterflies covering the walls. It was a bedroom; my seven year old bedroom. Without choosing to do so, my body started moving out of the little area, shutting the white framed door behind me. My childish self bounced down the stairs, landing surprisingly safe at the bottom of the stair-well. That's when it hit me, why my dreams took me to this place. I pinched my loose skin, desperately trying to wake up from the nightmare waiting to come; but when I opened my forest green eyes, I was still placed in the hallway, leading towards the faded green kitchen. I was pushed forward, skipping even, to the room, where the aroma of white rice and dumplings filled the room. I smiled at my mother, her short black hair pushing against her face, and her gentle green eyes. Then I felt strong arms wrap around me, having me giggle in laughter. My dad, with crazy black hair and bright green eyes, picked me up, setting me carefully down in my seat. We all sat down for dinner, my younger sister, only two, Luna, chewing her dark short hair.

We said out dinner prayer, and started to talk about our day, while eating my mom's delicious cooking. My life was perfect; until I lightly pressed my hand on the table; and whoosh! The table cloth flew back, bringing all of the food and silver-ware with it to the ground. Three sets of verdant eyes settled on me, all of them filled with shock. I remember my father squeaking out;

"She's an airbender".

I instantly shot up in my bed, my breathing much more heavier than normal. My cheeks felt crusty; and only then did I notice the drops of salt-water forming in my eyes. Now, I would of been chanting to myself that it was 'only a dream'; but it wasn't a dream; it was like a flashback- because that did happen. Seven years ago, that dream was reality. I tried not to think about it, but it crept into my thoughts anyway. The way my mother and father were more careful with what I did, how they had to lie that I was a non-bender, and how they told me to never, ever tell anyone about my abilities. They told me I had a rare gift, and that it was something people would kill for. So I didn't get to show my friends cool bending moves. I couldn't airbend when anyone was around, and I had to lie every time someone asked me if I was a bender. All for my well-being.

I was too curious to be isolated and alone; I wanted to see the world, show my abilities and just have fun and make people smile. So I did a rash thing. A thing, I couldn't let myself think about; until I did-

I ran away.

I loved my parents, my sibling, and my whole life. I loved my airbending, and I decided that I was going to see the world, I was going to live life the way I was supposed to. I left when I was ten, and from four years, I've told as much people as I could that I was an airbender. It was stupid, but it was making up for all the lies and holding back, and like anyone would actually go after me! So what I'm an airbender, I still should be able to live a life. Right?

I sighed, giving up on rest for tonight. I shuffled through my room, running into a pile of clothes, a dresser, or a closet on the way out the door. I really should clean my room- but that takes effort. Ugh...

I rubbed my drowsy eyes, having them adjust to the bright lights that I turned on. I stumbled down the stairs, feeling a little blind as I reached the tiny, tiny downstairs. Hey, I'm fourteen and living alone; what do you expect; a mansion?

I walked across the living room, stopping at a small cabinet under the television. I knelt down, and opened up the two wooden doors. I slipped my hand in, and at the very back, to the left, I hid a small little photo album of my family, only to look at when I missed them most. I reached back, took out the book, and started at a first photo, and soon coming to my last; my tenth birthday party.

Max's Note-

Hey guys, gals, and hamsters! So I'm here to fill you on on our writing schedule, just so you know. So I wrote this chapter, and then Mila is going to write Xena's chapter, and Fiona is doing Korrina's. So the people/character match-ups are:




And the chapter order is:

First= Max, Violet

Second= Mila, Xena

Third=Fiona, Korrina


Thanks guys, and don't forget to fill in that little star!

Mila, take it away, girl!

~3.W.F.W <3

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