Chap. 3: My Name Is Korrina

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I sighed roughly as my mother, Eska, pinned my pretty little silk veil into my hair, making sure it was nice and snug. I sighed, not amused, staring at my high-heeled shoes, wondering how I was going to make it down that stupid aisle without falling and making a fool of myself.

"There," She said. stepping back to look at her daughter. "Perfect". I tried to figure out what she was looking at; what I looked like at this very moment. I could imagine my messy blond hair in a tight braided bun, my bangs dripping out. I could imagine the water tribe jewelry, and blue lilies in my hand; but I couldn't imagine myself in the flowing, lace dress.

"Mom-" I started, thinking about what to say. But then I remembered; I was doing this for my tribe. I had to join my tribe with another tribe to find piece and balance. Unfortunately, the man, more like moron, I'm marrying is named Venn, and man! Is he one stuck-up, stupid, and ignorant guy. But I wasn't going to back down; it was all for my tribe.

Next thing is knew, I was standing outside the doors waiting to be assigned a lifetime of sadness. The doors open and I am walking down the aisle and then I see him my pretend "true love". "I can't do this!!" I scream and I am running away to the water where I can escape. I get to the water and ripped off my veil and swam away in a huge wave that I made. I know exactly where I needed to go......

Republic City.

Hope you guys enjoyed my chapter! Make sure to stay tuned to find out what happens next!


Take it away Max!

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