Welcome To Republic City~Xena

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Dried tears stung my eyes as I sauntered along the sidewalk of Republic City. My thoughts kept wandering back to the sound of his cries. Zhan's cries.

"Why would I leave him?", I angrily, but quietly, said to my self.

As I am looking around , I have to say, I do feel underdressed. I know for a city you shouldn't feel like your clothes are too un-fancy but I have to admit I do. I shouldn't even be here. I should be at home. In the village taking care of my brother. Me, in my rags of an outfit.

My raggedy leather shoes were beginning to rip and tear as I walked along the sidewalk.(What do you expect? Designer heels?).

At fifteen, I wouldn't of expected to be in Republic city walking carelessly around looking for my parents or looking for an excuse to get away from the fire nation.

Suddenly, the smell of green tea and coffee filled my nose and the sweet smell of baked goods were in the air. I looked up to see where possibly that smell was coming from. Surprise Surprise! A coffee shop! My dreams of having the smell of coffee and pastries have finally come true!

I entered the small building painted a green the color of fresh cut grass, and sat down at one of the tables. I looked up and started to people watch.(Trust me! I'm not a stalker!😆) A young women with very light brown hair sat in the corner looking around.

"Very unusual" I thought. Women here usually have dark brown or black hair.

My eyes soon focused on the coffee menu behind the counter. I got up and walked over to the counter and ordered a green tea. I sat back down and took a sip.

CRASH! I suddenly heard yelling coming from outside the shop. I set down the mug on the mahogany table and rushed to see what was going on. I soon noticed a man struggling because he was getting robbed! Right outside the glass window! Why do bad things always happen to good people?

Suddenly, The woman with the light brown hair, jumped up and ran out the door. I tried to peer out the window to see the action but I was too short to see. Stupid genetics!

The man ran sprinted away while the woman tended to man laying on the ground. She then sprinted away in the direction of the robber.

Then I decided to do something.

Probably the stupidest thing I could ever do....

I ran after her.


Thx for reading<3 I hope you guys enjoyed another chapter!

Love u guyssssss<3


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