stay in your own realm

Start from the beginning

Just because you got put in a bad position doesn't mean you're a bad person.

"Wow. Very poetic." She joked, attempting to shake off the guilty feeling that surfaced at his words.

"He has a way with words sometimes."

"Says the one who just word vomited all over the floor." He added, firing back at Simmons' slightly sarcastic comment. He paused for minute awkwardly crossing his arms, looking at Maeve's face with scrunched eyebrows. Maeve felt uneasy. She had a feeling she knew the next question Fitz was going to ask. "Ok, well, I apologize, but I have to ask, how old are you?"

Simmons' smacked Fitz's arm as he blurted his question, even though she was wondering the same thing. She couldn't imagine SHIELD sending someone so young to supervise a grown man and his team of adults.

"I'm 20." She answered, straightening her back at the questioning. This was one of the main reasons she was avoiding socializing with them: the questions.

"20?" They both looked confused, trying to calculate the dates in their heads. 

"Change of plans." Agent May walked through the lounge, motioning for the 4 agents to follow her into the briefing room. Maeve silently sighed in relief, glad that she had an excuse to stop talking.

As they crowded around the table, Maeve remained towards the back of the room, keeping her distance. After all, she was only there to supervise. Nothing else. May took notice of the girl's hostility, but continued speaking, "SHIELD's detecting massive energy readings in the skies above the California Nevada border."

"Where's Agent Coulson?" Ward piped in, asking the question they were all wanting to.

"He's taking the day off." She answered quickly. Maeve raised her eyebrow at her tone. It was clear that she knew where he was going and what he was doing, but she didn't care to disclose that information, especially not with a supervisor watching their every move.

May didn't care very much for Maeve's presence, either. She knew how the team functioned best, and that was without supervision. Sometimes they did things in a way that wasn't traditional, but it always worked.

"These were seen before in New Mexico and London. They herald the arrival of an Asgardian." Immediately, everyone in the room, besides Maeve, became a little more interested in the mission. While dealing with other worldly things was interesting, Maeve knew the repercussions that they came with, and she preferred to stay away from that stuff.

The girl knew more about Asgardians, specifically their weapons, then she cared to. 

"Thor." Fitz inquired hopefully.

"Not sure. Either way, SHIELD wants us to be the welcome wagon."

"O-okay, fine. No cause for concern, right? Asgardians are allies."

"Loki wasn't." Ward said dramatically, eliciting a silent scoff from Maeve.

"Ward and Fitz, you're with me. Simmons, you stay here, run back end and watch Skye." May ordered, exiting the room without sparing Agent Phillips a glance. The remaining agents stared at her awkwardly.

They all silently walked their own ways, Maeve heading towards the bunk she had been borrowed by Coulson.

As she closed the door behind her, she sighed in relief that no one's eyes were on her anymore. She flopped down on the pristinely made bed, letting her eyes flutter shut and her dreams to take over her thoughts.

"Agent Phillips? We're leaving in a minute." Maeve shot up with a gasp, breaking out of her dream as she heard someone knocking at the door, only calming when she remembered where she was. There was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead from her disturbed dreams, but she quickly pushed the thoughts back.

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