Ch 3. Arachnophobia

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The storm had arrived with a vengeance, unleashing a torrent of rain and thunder that rattled the windows of Emma's house. Lightning streaked across the darkened sky, casting eerie shadows throughout the living room where Crypto, Cayden, Emma, and Jester had taken refuge.

With the power out due to the storm, they sat in the dim light of candles, an atmosphere of unease settling over them. Cayden shivered, a mixture of cold and dread coursing through him. The thunderous roars and sudden flashes of lightning made the already unusual situation feel even more surreal.

Emma, never one to shy away from the darker aspects of life, found herself clutching a candle's flame, her gothic attire giving her an air of mystique. "This storm is intense," she observed, her voice steady despite the circumstances.

Crypto, seemingly unfazed by the storm, lounged on the couch with an air of relaxation. His green hair stood out in stark contrast to the darkness outside, and he idly twiddled with a vial of some mysterious liquid. "Storms can be thrilling," he remarked, casting a mischievous glance at Jester.

Jester, on the other hand, remained unusually quiet, his crimson eyes occasionally darting to the windows as if expecting something otherworldly to manifest in the storm. Though his usual enigmatic demeanor had returned, there was a hint of tension in the way he gripped his jester outfit.

As if on cue, a loud crash of thunder rattled the house, causing Cayden to jump in his seat. Emma's candle flickered, and Crypto laughed heartily at their reactions. "Ah, storms can be such fun," he mused, relishing the chaotic energy that permeated the air.

Jester's gaze remained fixated on the window, his sharp senses alert. Suddenly, a flash of movement outside caught his attention, and he rose from his seat in one fluid motion. "There's something out there," he announced, his voice devoid of its usual cryptic tone.

Cayden, Emma, and Crypto turned their attention to the window, straining to see through the sheets of rain. Cayden's heart raced as he caught a glimpse of a massive shape lurking in the shadows. "Is that... a spider?"

Indeed, outside the window, clinging to the house, was a colossal spider. Its hairy legs spanned several feet, and its eight gleaming eyes stared into the room with an unsettling intelligence.

Emma's fear was palpable as she muttered, "I hate spiders."

Crypto, ever the eccentric, grinned widely. "Now this is intriguing! An unexpected guest during the storm." He moved toward the window, seemingly eager to interact with the monstrous arachnid.

Jester, on the other hand, drew a dagger from beneath his jester outfit and stood protectively in front of Cayden and Emma. "That's no ordinary spider," he warned, his red eyes narrowing. "Stay back."

As if to confirm Jester's words, the colossal spider began to speak, its voice a strange combination of hisses and clicks. "Jester," it hissed, "long time no see."

The tension in the room grew exponentially. Jester's grip on his dagger tightened, and Crypto's curiosity shifted to genuine intrigue. Cayden and Emma exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend the situation.

With the storm raging outside and a colossal spider at their window, their cryptic journey had taken an unexpected and unnerving turn.

Crypto's laughter echoed through the room, and his eyes gleamed with mischief as he revealed the truth. "Ah, you should've seen your faces! I simply used a bit of my magic to make it appear as if the spider was talking. Classic prank, isn't it?"

Cayden let out a relieved sigh, his anxiety giving way to a mix of amusement and irritation. "You really got us there, Crypto," he admitted, rolling his eyes.

Cryptic 1: A Storm Is BrewingWhere stories live. Discover now