10. The Midnight

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Vienna woke up from her deep sleep. She looked around and noticed that the spot next to her was empty. Tristan must have left early. She looked at the clock. She shook her head and murmured. "Doesn't he ever sleep?" It was quite early morning. She got up and got changed. She thought maybe she could get some work done in her personal office as neither the kids or Tristan were around. Vienna walked to her office next door to her bedroom where she worked from home. Vienna rolled her eyes as she saw a note attached to the door. She sighed. His note did not surprise her. She was used to getting written notes here and there. He ruled the household with discipline, efficiency and rules.

Vienna took off the note from the door and started reading it with a deep voice trying to imitate Tristan's voice "Our children are at the Rossi mansion for a kids' party the whole day. You will take today off... You slept late last night so you need to rest ... Go back to bed and get some sleep..." Vienna threw the note on the floor and said in her normal tone "For the love of god Tristan..."

Vienna opened the door and entered the office. "You are not here, lucky for me to stop me..." He worked hard but he did not want her to work as hard. He demanded she took time off. This was typical Tristan.

Vienna walked to her desk and saw another note on the desk. She read it out loud in Tristan's voice "Go back to bed... Dont work too hard"

Vienna threw the note away and sat down behind her desk as she murmured under her breath "Damn it Tristan. Why cant you stop being on my case all the time about working too hard and resting enough?"

Vienna shook her head and got on with her work going through files and writing notes.

The phone rang shortly after. She picked up her phone. "Hello. Vienna Rosario is speaking...."

Tristan's voice came from the other side of the line "You mean to say Dr O'Neil is speaking..."

Vienna jumped on her seat. "Oh... Tristan... Hi... I didnt think you will call my office..."

Tristan said "You thought wrong... Why are you in your office when I specifically asked you to take the day off?"

Vienna said "Come on Tristan... I am not tired... I can get some work done."

Tristan said "Didnt you see any of my notes?"

Vienna said "I did actually... I chose to ignore them... I have work to do..."

Tristan asked "Is that so?"

Vienna said "Yes... I have piles of work on my desk ...."

Tristan said "You are ahead of schedule Vienna... You have finished piles of work already.... Have you had breakfast at least?"

Vienna sighed "Tristan... I really dont have time for this... I have to hang up and do some work..."

Tristan said "Answer the question Vienna..."

Vienna asked "What question?"

Tristan said "So I take it as a no then. You haven't had breakfast..."

Vienna said "Tristan... I wasn't hungry... I really need to do work... I need to hang up now..."

Tristan asked " Its not a wise decision if you hang up on me... You are in so much trouble already.... Are you sure you want to hang up on me?"

Vienna said "Trouble or no trouble... I need to get back to work... I will talk to you later... Bye..." And as Vienna was putting the phone down, Vienna imitated Tristan's voice. "Are you sure you want to hang up on me?"

Vienna froze as she heard his dark chuckle from end of the line. She froze. She had heard him. She put the phone back on her ear "I am sorry Tristan....You heard that?"

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