Bonus chapter#4

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Within the underwater palace of the Sea kingdom, four young male Seawings could be seen waiting outside Queen Coral's bedroom. These four Seawings were Turtle, Octopus, Cerulean and Fin, the last remaining sons of Queen Coral. The other 28 sons of the Queen either died in the war as they volunteered to go into battle or were assassinated by enemy spies and traitors of the kingdom, Coral had summoned the four to speak to them about something.

They didn't know what their mother wanted to talk about but it surprised them that she requested their presence after many years of neglection and mistreatment. Turtle sighs and pushed open the door to reveal a sight that made them all jealous and angry, Coral laughed as both Auklet and Anemone played with her royal attire. Auklet was nibbling on her pearl necklace while Anemone was acting all high and mighty with her crown on her head, the crown would slip off her as it was a little bit too big for her and covered Anemone's eyes, making her swim around blindfolded and crash into things. It was funny to watch and Coral was glad that Titus advised her to spend more time with her dragonets, and speaking of dragonets, Coral noticed Turtle, Octopus, Cerulean and Fin all glaring at them.

She knew why they were glaring and frowned before smiling and flashing her scales at Anemone.

Coral: Anemone, please take your baby sister and play with her at your room. I would like to speak to your brothers.

Anemone nods and left the room with Auklet, now it was just Coral and her four sons. She points up to the air pocket in her room and swam up there with her sons following, once up there the first to speak was Octopus.

Octopus: Why have you summoned us mother?

Coral: I would like to inform you of some dreadful news and some good news.

Fin: What is it, mother?

Coral: Unfortunately, your father; Gill is... dead.

This shocked the four, they didn't want to believe that their father was gone. Gill was the only parent who cared for them ever since Coral began neglecting them, now they have no one who will care or love them.

Turtle: H-how did he d-die?

Coral: He was driven mad, and killed in the Skywing arena... Queen Scarlet sends her deepest apologies.

Cerulean: Well, at least he went down fighting. You said something about good news?

Coral: Ah yes! Good news is that the Skywings have now abandoned Burn and are now our allies. Also I am now remarried! Isn't that exciting?

The four males groan and looked down sad, they have seen all the Seawings who want to court their mother and didn't like any of them. They were all either trying to marry Coral for fortune or just to use the royal bloodline for personal gain.

Fin: So who is it, it's not Whirlpool is it?

Coral: Moons no! That ungrateful Seawing is long dead and never coming back.

Octopus: Wait, Whirlpool is dead? But you speak so highly of him.

Coral: Until he tried to kill your other sister and use Anemone as a breeding tool. Luckily your new father killed him.

This confused all four Seawings, Whirlpool betrayed their mother, they have another sister and their new father was someone they still didn't know.

Cerulean: Wait, we have another sister?!

Coral: Yes, I'll explain later. But right now, let me tell you who your new father is.

They all listen closely and were surprised to learn that their new father wasn't a Seawing but a powerful dragon who was King of the Skywings and is married to Queen Scarlet. This is all so confusing for the four and the more they heard about their new father, the more confusing it became. They did like some things about him, Cerulean loved how his new dad was brave and strong no matter the situation, Octopus liked how he was a skilled fighter, Fin liked how caring and loving his new dad was and Turtle was happy to hear that he married Coral out of love and not personal gain.

Coral: He is also married to Webs and yes, the same Webs who stole my egg years ago.

Fin: Does that make Riptide our brother?

Coral: Yes. Now for the real reason I summoned you four.

Turtle: W-what is it?

Coral: After marrying Titus, he made me realize something. I've been a terrible mother, focusing only on my daughters and not my sons. But I was already too late to redeem my mistakes, 28 of your brothers gone and it's all my fault. You all wanted my attention, my love but I just ignored you all and paid the price for it. I know you all hate me now but please... let me try and be better for all of you.

The four brothers were all shocked by this, they never expected for Coral to actually start loving or care for them. They all accepted that they were nothing to her but here she was, begging them for forgiveness and redemption. If they refused just because it took her this long to realize her mistake, they may never get the chance again.

Fin: W-we... accept your apology, but you'll have to rebuild our love for you.

Turtle: We want you to treat us as your sons and not as expandable products.

Coral: Of course! I'm a changed dragon now, I love you and your sisters equally and I won't forget that.

Cerulean: Ok... Mother can we try something? We have always wanted to do this with you.

Coral raised an eyebrow but nods, before she knew it the four were now hugging her. Coral was a little surprised by the sudden action but smiled softly and hugged her sons, Turtle could feel the love radiating off Coral and this time it wasn't fake love, it was actually genuine love. This made him hug Coral tighter and burst into tears, his brothers soon followed suit and cried as well. They've always wanted to feel loved by their mother and now they finally have their mother's love, and it was all thanks to their new father.

They all can't wait to meet him.  

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