Bonus chapter#3

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Meanwhile in Blaze's stronghold, the young Sandwing princess sighs dreamily as she imagined herself with Titus, and the handsome king proposing to her to be his third mate. Blaze was absolutely love struck by the King of two tribes, she wanted nothing but to be in his arms, receive hugs and kisses from him and bear his lovely drago-

Glacier: BLAZE!!!

Blaze jumped off her seat and fell to the ground, she shook her head and looked up to see Glacier and some Icewing commanders, captains and Generals staring at her. She laughs nervously and stood up, after dusting herself off Blaze retook her seat next to Glacier.

Blaze: Sorry, um... what did I miss?

Icewing#1: We were discussing battle plans and tactics.

Icewing#2: Until you started daydreaming.

Glacier: I've been trying to catch your attention for an entire minute. Can you even tell me what we were talking about?

Blaze: Uh... Titanicus?

Icewing#3: Tch, of course you would say that. But yes, we were discussing battle plans, tactics and the current situation with the so called "King."

Icewing#4: He has been sighted in the Sky kingdom, Sea kingdom and now he is currently in the Rainforest. Reports say that he is the real reason for the Skywings and Seawings being inactive in the war.

Icewing#5: Foolish mistake. Now we can position our troops in critical areas around the kingdom of Sky and Sea, to eliminate them completely.

Blaze didn't like the sound of that, and voiced her concern with the idea of attacking the Seawings and Skywings.

Blaze: I don't think that's a good idea.

Glacier: I'll have to agree with Queen Blaze. Attacking the two kingdoms would spark a new war within a war we are already in, plus the reports on King Titanicus I've read bring me great dread.

Icewing#6: Your Majesty, I and the others have not read these reports on the King. Will you please enlighten us on the matter?

Glacier: Other than the normal reports of Titanicus being King of two tribes and married to Queen Scarlet and Queen Coral, I believe we're dealing with...

Glacier swallowed the lump in her throat and began to shiver in fear, her eyes were full of dread and fear as she tried to speak. The Generals, Commanders and Captains were all surprised by this, even Blaze herself was surprised to see Glacier like this.

Glacier: I-I believe we're dealing with the second coming of... Darkstalker.

This causes an up roar of fear, denial and madness. Those who have heard of Darkstalker were already planning on how to immediately kill Titus, while those who only read stories on the Nightwing were planning on ways to protect the Icewing tribe from the future threat. Blaze just watched in silence as the room erupted into chaos, she doesn't know anything about this "Darkstalker" but she wasn't liking how the high ranking Icewings called for Titus' head and started calling him a monster and demon. With an angry roar, Blaze silenced the room as she stared at everyone with a furious glare.

Blaze: Shut up all of you! One more bad word about Titus from your mouths, I'll personally rip off your wings and force feed them to you!

Everyone was quiet after that, they never knew that someone like Blaze who is kind, caring and generous, could be so scary when angry... is it weird that Glacier finds that kinda hot?

Icewing#1: Your highness, you don't understand. Darkstalker was, and still is one of the greatest feared Animus dragons in Pyrrhia! With someone like Titanicus, we're looking at a new massacre of Icewings by a monster wh-

The Icewing was cut off by Blaze slamming her fist on the table and growling at the Icewing General.

Blaze: He isn't a monster! You know nothing about him! You rely on reports of him, while I have met and talked to him. Titus at first glance is a powerful, strong and commanding King, but under all that he is nothing but a caring and loving dragon, who wants nothing but to end this war!

Icewing#3: Your Majesty-

Blaze: How many Seawings are alive?

Icewing#3: W-what?

Blaze: How. Many. Seawings. Are alive?!

Icewing#3: R-reports say over 65 Seawings are alive in the war, minus the 10 we have as prisoners.

Blaze: Skywings?

Glacier: Over 86 Skywings are reported alive. Blaze, why are you asking for-

Blaze: Because this is Titus' doing. He refused for anymore Skywings and Seawings to go to war, and since then both tribes haven't had a single casualty or death.

Icewing#2: We see where your going with this your highness, but what are we going to do about him?

Blaze: Not to worry. For I have a plan.

Glacier: What is it?

Blaze smirks and grabs Glacier's talons with her own, Glacier blushed a little when Blaze got close to her face and announced her plan.

Blaze: You and I are going to... marry Titanicus

Glacier: ..........WHAT!?!  

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