"You ladies are all to serve to and distribute the refreshments and 4 courses, none of which you'll be getting to enjoy for yourselves." He was by this time 5 girls down before stopping again by a pale, petite maid. He grinned down at her with his gold teeth, skimming a finger down the v line of her chest. She shivered, looking away from him as tears rimmed around her already bloodshot eyes. 

"What's the matter, Charlotte? You weren't crying when I did exactly this to you last night." She heaved a dry sob, shaking her head slowly. "Please, Kevin..I-I mean Foster!" She corrected herself just as he glared down at her blowing out of his nostrils heavily. 

"The hell did you just call me?!" He raised a large palm in the air as if ready to strike. "What did I tell you about calling me by my first name?!" Just as he lowered his hand a loud chirp sounded in the quiet storage room. He kept his gaze trained on Charlotte before lowering his arm slowly and going to to the waistband of his jeans to snatch his phone, angrily. All 30 of us blew out a sigh of relief for her. I don't think she would've lived if Foster had hit her. 

"Everybody line up at the door!" He sneered before going to answer his phone impolitely. We didn't hesitate; all of us scrambled towards the large stainless steel door waiting for his next command. 

"Alright... I said, alright! oh, piss off will ya!" Foster flipped his phone shut before sighing heavily. "Angie, get over here!" I frowned whilst seeing the girl I had been standing beside earlier slide out of the single filed line in front of me. He chucked something to her and from what I could hear, sounded something like an article of clothing. 

"Bring the new girl into the kitchen wash-room and help her get in this for me. No more than 5 minutes you hear me? Or I'll have to do it myself." I heard the smirk in his voice as he said that last part and I felt my fists clenching in annoyance. Angie slid back into her spot in front of me wordlessly whilst clutching a neat looking burgundy and white uniform with an unopened package of stockings to her side. "Alrighty, then!" Foster walked past all of us whilst rubbing his palms together. He casually brought his hand to the steel handle and pushed it open, revealing my thoughts exactly as to what was on the other side. 

The royal Kitchen. 


Prince Cleo's POV

"I absolutely cannot wait until the coronation begins! I remember when you were just a small boy, making mud puddles with your brother in your little diaper!" I chuckled, whilst shaking my head partially embarrassed as my grandmother spoke. I was glad to have her here, mainly because I had never known my Father's mother since she'd died when I was four. I never had a chance to know her. Grandma, my mother's mother, hugged me tightly while pressing a wet kiss to my cheek. I groaned playfully to which she laughed heartily. 

"What? You used to love my kisses!" I opened my mouth to respond but was distracted by a light tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to spot Chantel behind me, her forest green orbs gazing up at me happily. 

"Hi." She smiled shyly. I swallowed thickly while taking in her petite hourglass figure in the dress that she wore. 

"You look beautiful." I breathed out before feeling a tug on my arm. I looked back to see Grandma. 

"I'll leave you two to it. Nice seeing you again Chantel." Grams smiled at us both politely before walking off. I felt slightly bad for ending our conversation like that, but she was an understandable lady.  Chantel waved in return before blushing up at me. 

"Thank-you. You don't clean up as bad as I thought." She grinned up at me before snaking her arms around me, her head burying into my chest. "I just can't believe this is actually it. You're going to become King and rule all of UK..." She smiled up at me sadly before bringing her palm to caress my cheek. "Promise me something, Cleo." She whispered while looking conflicted. I placed my palm over her own while nodding slowly. 

"Anything."  She breathed out gently. 

"Promise me... we'll still keep in contact. Promise you won't forget me. please, Cleo." I began to grow agitated, and forced her palm away from my cheek. Why wouldn't I remember her? 

"What are you talking about? How could I ever forget you, Tay-Tay? " I saw her hide a slight smile as I called her by her childhood name. 

"I mean, it's just...with all the stress and hassle of being a King, I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me, or any of your other royal friends." She rambled on while readjusting the white collar of my suit. I shook my head, prying her hands off me as delicate as possible. 

"Look, if you honestly think I'm that kind of ass-hole to be as mean and inconsiderate to just cut off all ties with the people who've made such a huge impact on my life... maybe you never really knew me at all." I sighed as she frowned. I didn't have time for this right now. "We'll talk over dinner okay? After the coronation. Better go find your seat." I swiftly turned from her to jog down the short iron staircase which was a secret passage led towards the main hall. I glanced around to see not a singular person in sight and blew out a gentle sigh of relief. Everyone was most likely already inside the grand chapel taking their seats and settling down. Above the tall oak doors was a light installed into the wall which would signal when it was time for me to come in. 

"Yo! Bro!" What now, I thought whilst turning on my heel to look behind me, the muscle in my jaw tensing urgently. I suddenly grinned, jogging to engulf Isaiah in a loving man hug. 

"Shouldn't you be inside baby-bro?" I smirked while sending a blow to his shoulder. He rolled his dark green eyes which were similar to mine and shrugged.

 "I got carried away waving to the fans outside. We got some sexy lookin' females out there, I just might snatch one up and have them as my dinner date for tonight." Izzy wiggled his dark brows suggestively and I wiggled mines back, playfully licking my lips. 

"Sharing is caring, little bro." He feigned a gag before shoving me backwards. I laughed loudly, throwing my head back as I watched his face contort into one of pure disgust. 

"What's the matter Cleo, Tay-tay ain't tucking you in nice enough?" Izzy said her name while batting his lashes mockingly. I chucked him upside the head with a glare. For some reason, Chantel just wasn't cutting it out for me. Sure, she was beautiful if anything and we had a lot of history but that was just about it. She would always be the one to bring up the past and I was suddenly beginning to think she was more in love with the old Cleo than the present one. 

"Shut-up." I flipped him the finger before turning back around and halting dead in my tracks. Shit. The light had turned green! It was time for me to go in! Izzy must have noticed too because he automatically went into bionic mode, hurriedly jogging in front of me to pull open the two wooden doors, but not before sending me a nod as if saying 'You can do this.'   I nodded in return before inhaling deeply and stepping into the colossal tabernacle. There had to be at least 30,000 people sitting in one room. It was built like a theatre, with the royals of each country sitting on the highest elevated row nearer to the ceilings. As I continued my path down the carpet I could hear everyone loudly chanting and rejoicing; 


And with that, I sat upon my throne and waited for the Archbishop to begin the Coronation. My eyes fell upon the front row and I smiled discreetly witnessing all my loved ones. Isaiah- who had sneakingly ran up to his seat and got scolded for being late by Mum, Martha, Grandmother, Grandfather, Mum and finally... an empty seat with a laminated sign on the front labelled 'KING FRANCIS ll' 


Hope you all liked this chapter, we really wanted to update it asap because we want to keep the story going! We've enclosed a picture (on the top if you're web & mobile) of the architecture of the chapel so you can get an idea of how beautiful it looks. 

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