Thug 2: "Freeze!"

He was dealt with swiftly, kicked through the window and onto the street as Ruby followed, using the man to take the impact. Roman and the remaining thugs peaked out the now shattered window, Ruby stood up with her weapon now resting on her shoulder as it transformed into a scythe, she looks at them with a sly smirk before spinning her weapon around with precisions and skill, slamming the blade into the ground, she paused her music and waited.

Roman: "Okayyy... get her!"

His hired help quickly run out to deal with the new situation, Ruby grabbed her weapons handle tightly, dodging the first thugs attack and spinning on the spot like a gymnast and delivering a roundhouse kick to the man, sending him flying back into the store. She yanked her scythe out the ground and held it behind her as two thugs rushed her from behind, she noticed and adjusted her weapon swiftly before pulling the trigger, using the shot to spin rapidly on the spot, the momentum hitting one into the air before she swung her weapon at the other, using the hook to snag him by the foot and drag him around before she slammed him into the ground.

Shots rang out and she swiftly dodged them in burst of rose petals, firing her weapon to create a dust explosion which threw one of the thugs into the air, she swung her weapon and hooked his feet, slamming him into the ground with a loud thud, the last thug aimed his gun at her and she quickly shot her weapon, building up momentum while evading his shots before coming at him swiftly, kicking him into the air and stabbing her scythe into the ground to reverse her momentum and go in the air, kicking his jaw with her boot and using the blunt end of her scythe to knock him back down, his body landing beside a disappointed Roman.

Roman: "You were worth every cent, truly you were."

Ruby: "You were the that hired them."

Roman scowled at Ruby, dropping his cigar and crushing the end with his cane. His one visible eye glaring daggers at her.

Roman: "Well Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..."

He lifted his cane up, the bottom pointing at her, an audible click is heard as a scope pops out at the end.

Roman: "...I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Ruby acted by instinct and aimed her gun to the ground, sending herself into the air and leaping over the fire dust explosion. She landed back down and saw no sight of Roman, she glanced in all possible directions and saw no sight of him on the ground, looking up however, she saw him climbing a nearby ladder to the top of the building. She looked at the clerk who stumbled to the door, his old age not able to handle this stress.

Ruby: "Is it okay if I go after him?"

He gives a simple nod which was all she needed to take chase, she quickly pulled her scroll out and dialed the first person for help, it rang for a second before the call was answered with a soft sigh.

Tatsu: "What's happened?"

He asked straight away, knowing Ruby wouldn't call unless something important happened.

Ruby: "Roman Torchwick attacked a dust shop I was in, he's getting away right now."

Tatsu: "On my way, don't get hurt too badly, mom will be pissed."

She chuckled a bit before ending the call, shooting her weapon down again and propelling herself to the top of the building as Roman reached it.

Ruby: "Hey!"

Roman: "Persistent, aren't ya Red?"

He didn't turn to her but had a smirk as loud engine hummed in the air until a Bullhead rose up, shining a bright light and blinding Ruby for a moment, Roman climbed onto the Bullhead as the door opened, looking back at Ruby who recovered from the blinding light and glared at him.

Remnants Dragon of Purgatory (Male OC x RWBY harem)Where stories live. Discover now