Chapter 1: You're Now a Hunter!

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I finally became a certified hunter!


What the hell do I do now?

I think as I start to walk to the nearest cafe. The gravel of the road scraping slightly under the bottoms of my shoes. The mid-day sunlight and the crowds of people going about their day making an okay, albeit cluttered, background noise to my thoughts.

I mean, know a bit of combat; I could become a blacklist hunter?

No...I don't have the heart for it. Plus, I think I'm too straightforward. Might piss off some people.

Gourmet hunter maybe? Menchi said she was one when she led the second phase.

I think back to the infamous hunter exam. The exam was tough. I barely made it through the third phase and ugh, all that running... Although, I did meet some pretty interesting people. Gon and Killua are so sweet! Well, more Gon, but I can tell Killua still had a good heart. I couldn't say the same for his brother though...What was his name again? Illumi?


Leorio is a nice guy too. Maybe a little bit dirty-minded though...How in God's name is he only 19???

Kurapika is such a charming kid too. I wish him well with the Phantom Troupe. I really hope he still takes care of himself throughout it all. The poor boy had to go through so much at such a young age. I want to see the people who did that to him so I can make sure they get the karma they deserve! What would even cause a person to commit genocide? It's so sick. All the awful things they did are so disgusting. I wonder what those people look like? I wonder if they have a bunch of tattoos and scars and stuff. I know they have at least one on their backs right? They might look like hardened criminals, super rugged with bulky features, well into their thirties or forties. Probably sharp teeth too or something.


I suppose they could look less like stereotypical criminals too? It would probably be easier to hide in plain sight if you didn't have a cartoony curled mustache and wicked grin constantly stuck to your face.

If a pastel Ronald McDonald can be a killer I guess anyone else can too.

Hmm...I can cook, but I'm not extraordinary at it. I'm not looking to die just to get a fancy egg or exotic animal either...

God, even cooking's violent when you're a hunter.

What's something I could do to help people? I'd rather do something that gives more than it takes. What are some places that might need assistance?


I look down as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. A new news story popping up in bold letters on my phone. Meteor City: The City Full of the Forgotten



Well, that sounds interesting.

I click on the news article and start to scan the page.

"Meteor City is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. The residents do not have any official record and therefore do not exist in the eyes of the law. The existence of the city is known to few people, mostly hunters and government officials ."

Wait. Then why is this on a news article? I begin to check the website name to see if this is even credible.


It says Hunter News Daily.

Original Name

I guess this is a website only for hunters. When did I subscribe to this? I begin to read again.

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