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"I think you know what,"

Corey's staring at the ceiling. That same sentence has been repeating in his head since he first heard it that evening.

"I think you know what,"

He had known exactly what. And he got exactly what they both wanted. He got Elton pinned up against the shower wall, admittedly a little less sanitary than Corey's fantasy had been, and let loose whatever tension he had built up within the past few days.

Corey knew exactly what as he made Elton claw at the tile like a wild animal, both howling and panting in each other's ears. A few scratches on Corey's back are still burning, and it feels incredible.

Now, Elton's passed out on his shoulder, and they both smell like Fiji body wash, whatever the fuck that means.
Corey's arm is wrapped around Elton's bare shoulder, and he turns his head to take another look at the older man.
They both dressed themselves back up in their dirty clothes after their shower, loosely and carelessly, because they knew they would just discard it all once they got back to the R.V.
Their legs are interlocked underneath a thin, white sheet, and Elton has an arm thrown lazily across Corey's chest. Elton's hair has fallen in front of his eyes, drying up in messy clumps. There's a small puddle of drool forming on Corey's skin underneath Elton's mouth, and he doesn't even mind.

Corey brushes a few hairs from Elton's face, and he whimpers. Elton lifts his head to look up into Corey's eyes, who's now fallen sheepish.

"Sorry," he whispers, "I didn't mean to wake you up,"

Elton shakes his head, pressing a small kiss to Corey's arm. "It's okay," he smiles lazily, both of his eyes still drooping shut, "what time is it?"

Corey hums and drops his head against the pillow. "It was midnight not too long ago,"

"And you're still awake?" Elton grunts into Corey's shoulder. He's already dropped his head back down, but only after he wiped his drool away from Corey's body.

"Yeah," a laugh escapes Corey's mouth, but he doesn't know why, "I just couldn't fall asleep,"

Elton sighs, now pressing a soft kiss to Corey's neck. He likes the way Corey sounds when he's whispering, delicately next to Elton's head, and he knows Corey likes the way his voice rasps when he's drowsy.

"What are you thinking about?"

Corey scrunches his eyebrows together but lifts his hand from Elton's shoulder to place it on his head. "What?" He questions, slowly stroking the man's unruly hair. He can feel Elton's mouth twist into a smile.

"I know you. I know when you can't shut your brain off, so, what are you thinking about?"

There's silence for a second, aside from the particularly annoying cricket that's seated itself outside the R.V. The bed creaks as Corey shifts himself awkwardly.

"I'm not thinking about anything,"

Elton knows Corey's lying but doesn't pry. He's too tired and doesn't want to ruin an otherwise good night. He just sighs and shoves his head closer into his spot in the crook of Corey's neck.
The R.V goes quiet again while Corey continues to brush through Elton's hair.

It isn't really a lie. Corey wasn't thinking about anything too deep. Besides their sex, because he can't think about that too much, Corey just thinks about how lucky he is to have Elton.
Physically, being the man who gets to put his hands all over Elton is probably the highest honour the Universe could have given him. And the times where he gets to be the person who Elton connects with on such a deep, emotional level, makes Corey wonder what he could have possibly done to be so rewarded by God. Because in his eyes, there's no other reason for Elton Castee besides a divine gift.
You know, nothing too deep.

"I was thinking about you," Corey finally breathes.

He thought Elton had already fallen back asleep, but the older just pulls himself out of Corey's hold and climbs up onto his lap. He places his hands on either side of Corey's head, fingers curling into the thin pillow slowly.
"Me?" He asks gently while trying to blink the sleep from his eyes. He's been absolutely exhausted that day in the best way possible and thinks it's probably the greatest day of his life.

Corey sucks in his lips and there's a small sparkle in his eyes. His hands find themselves on Elton's hips, touching the bare skin with just the tips of his fingers.

"Well, what else could I possibly be thinking about?" Corey asks quietly, earning a smile from Elton. They both know that the answer is absolutely nothing.
Elton leans down and presses a soft kiss to Corey's lips, not giving the younger any time to deepen the kiss before he pulls away and lets himself flop back down on Corey's side.

"What about me in particular?"

Corey stares up at the ceiling, unable to answer the question. His mind had drifted around during the night, from physical to personal traits, and he could sit there for an eternity, listing off the parts of Elton that draw even more and more of him in every day, but would somehow still run out of time.

"I don't know... just... you,"

Corey freezes. He truly doesn't know what else to say, because it's the best way he can answer, especially in his now-fatigued state. He knows that Elton knows it's the truth, they've become too close to fully deceive each other, but can't help to think that he should probably have a more thought-out answer for the individual who's tangled in the same sheet as him.
But somehow, Elton seems satisfied with that answer, allowing himself to be pulled back into sleep alongside Corey in the man's arms, knowing he's never felt tenderness and pleasure in such a raw and audacious way before.
He's not a man of God, but in his head is the same thought, that the Universe has put him in front of Corey Scherer for a reason. Weak and needy, because it knows Corey Scherer has what it takes to put him back together again.

Sweet Escape / EltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now