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"You can still join me if you want to?"

Corey blushes and shakes his head. He pats the pillows on his bed, which is just their table adjusted to be the same height as the benches and turns to look over his shoulder at Elton.

He's sat in his bed. Usually, Elton peels himself out of his clothes for the day and just tosses his laundry onto the bed next to where he sleeps, but he left an open, neat spot at his side for Corey to join him again.

"No, I'm okay," Corey says tiredly, "thank you though."

Elton hummed. He lays back in his bed and pulls the blankets up and over his body. "Well, goodnight then," his voice is flat and Corey can barely detect the disappointment in his tone.

"Night," Corey responds. He flicks the lights off and the RV goes dark.
Almost immediately, Corey wishes he had joined Elton. His bed is even stiffer than Elton's, with barely any cushioning available after the table is converted. Corey shuffles around and tries to get comfortable, but either his side hurts, his hip hurts, or his back hurts, and he gives up.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Elton sits up and groans.

"Would you just get over here?"

Immediately, Corey sits up and drags himself into Elton's bed. The older tosses his blanket back and throws it over them as Corey lays down.

"Isn't this better?" Elton whispers, his face inches away from Corey's.

The brunette rolls his eyes but nods in agreement. Elton just frowns and stares at him, watching as Corey's eyes flicker around and attempt to avoid Elton's face.

"What's up?" Elton asked, "You're being weird."

Corey just shrugs, still unable to look at Elton, and still having no clue what to say. He can feel his face turning hot as Elton casually extends a leg and makes contact with his under the blankets.

"Corey," Elton raises his voice slightly, "I don't want you to keep secrets from me only days into this whole trip."

Corey groans, "Please don't make me say it,"

Elton screws up his face and raises an eyebrow, shuffling inches closer to Corey.

"Say what?"

"Elton, it makes me feel comfortable to fall asleep with you, but I had a crazy wet dream because of it last night and I think it's going to haunt me forever."

Elton can't stop himself as he bursts out laughing, covering his mouth as his shoulders begin to shake with giggles. Corey immediately rolls his eyes and turns to his other side, hoping that Elton couldn't see his face turning red beforehand.

"I'm sorry," Elton said, "but that's what you're freaking out about?"

Corey rolls his eyes again, "Yes, can you not fucking laugh at me?"

"Corey, who cares? It's happened to me before, like, a million times. Don't lose sleep over it, literally."

Corey slowly turns back around, his eyebrows furrowing as he makes eye contact with Elton. The older still has a grin spread across his face.

"You've had dreams about me before?" Corey asks quietly.

"Well," Elton starts, "with you specifically, once or twice, maybe. But when we've shared beds? It's happened plenty of times where I have a sex dream, same with morning wood. I just get up, deal with it, and go about my day. It's all normal stuff."

Corey doesn't know what to say. The implication that his best friend has even had one sexual dream about him shuts his entire brain down, but multiple?
Corey shakes his head and rubs his face.

"I don't even know what to say," he whispers as Elton giggles, "I'm tired, and this is embarrassing."

"We can drop it," Elton says as he relaxes against his pillows again, "as long as you promise to not be weird and let us cuddle when we want to."

Corey sighs and turns his head, burying his face against the pillows. He nods slowly, and tugs on the blanket to pull it over his shoulder again.

"Deal," he grumbles, "goodnight."

"Goodnight, Corey," Elton cooed, "sweet dreams."

Sweet Escape / EltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now