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"I don't want to cook dinner again,"

Corey was sat on his towel, staring out at the waves as the sun continued to lower itself closer to the horizon.

"Cook is a pretty generous term," Elton muttered from beside him, "you made two sandwiches."

Corey looked down. Elton was lying on his back with a hand folded over his stomach, the other folded over his face and making his sunglasses go crooked.
Corey was in the shade, a damp t-shirt still draped over his body. He already knew he was burnt, and was still feeling a little uncomfortable with getting shirtless, even if he knew nobody was paying attention to him.

"Grilled chicken," Corey responded, "that counts as cooking."

Even through the sunglasses, he could tell Elton rolled his eyes. The older grunted as he sat up, taking a look around as he snapped out of his sleepy trance. He draped his arms over his knees and hummed.

"Well I can't cook without burning down the RV," Elton said quietly, mouth pressed against his arm as he looked over at the brunette.
Corey laughed and stared down at the sand, shaking his head slowly.

"I think that's just your excuse," he lowered his voice, barely audible over the waves hitting the shore and the breeze blowing past them, "You just want me to serve you the entire time."

Elton grinned, "that wouldn't be so bad." Corey watched as Elton leaned in closer to him, a playful smirk spread onto his lips as he raised his head.

"I just relax while you pamper me," he said quietly, "let you make me dinner, drive for us, cuddle me to sleep."

The smile that had spread onto Corey's face dropped for a second. As if it was the most traumatic thing in his life, which it entirely felt like, Corey silently swore he would never spoon Elton again to save himself from the embarrassment.

"Maybe you can even do my laundry," Elton said with another hum. Corey rolled his eyes, casually pulling himself away from Elton and gazing out towards the water again.

"Your clothes always smell like a biohazard, I think I'll pass."

Elton laughed before he grabbed his hat off of the towel and place it back on his head, his messy hair poking out from the sides.

"How about we just get dinner, then?" Elton said. He picked up his phone to check the time, "It'll save us both the trouble."

Corey nodded, and they made quick work of gathering up their things and wandering back to the RV.

The drive wasn't too long. It took Elton more time to find a spot on the street to park, and to let Corey awkwardly slide into a sweater to make sure neither of them were still too wet after swimming.
Elton got them a booth, next to a big window with a beautiful view of the sunset. Surprisingly, the restaurant wasn't busy, and the noise was only a low hum of distant laughs and mumbles.

"Do you know what you're going to get?"

Elton sat up straight as Corey's voice snapped him out of a trance.
He had been watching the way Corey's curls swayed under the air conditioning in the room, and how the left half of his face had been bathed in the golden reflection of the sunset.
Elton fumbled as he picked up his menu, pretending as if he had even given it a read-through.

"No," Elton spoke, "I was too busy looking at the desert options."

Corey smiled and looked over at him. "Me too, honestly," they both laughed. Elton hummed and allowed his eyes to wander back to Corey's face, tongue pinched between his teeth.

"I'll probably just get a salad with my water," Corey said quietly, before folding up the menu and putting it down in front of him.
Elton frowned.

"A salad and water?" He asked, "That's your big meal out?"

Corey shrugged, looking down at his fingernails and picking at the nail polish. "I'm trying to get back into shape, you know that."
Elton glanced back and forth, tiredly setting the menu down and sending Corey an empathetic gaze.

"You have to share a slice of cake with me," Elton held his hand up, pinky stuck out in Corey's direction, "Promise? So I don't have to feel so depressed for you?"

An almost bashful smile plastered its way onto Corey's face, and he stuck his hand out. He curled his pinky around Elton's and they shook their hands lightly.

Sweet Escape / EltoreyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant