Bokuto - Proposing to Y/N (Fluff)

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As Bokuto was trying to think of a way to propose to y/n, he decided to ask Akaashi for some advice. He immediately fished out his phone and dialed Akaashi's number. As soon as he heard the other end answer the phone, he called out his name, "Akaashi!"

"What is it this time?" Akaashi sighed inaudibly.

"I'm planning on proposing to y/n, but I don't know how should I do it!" Bokuto explained with a whine. "I wanna make it amazing! I wanna make it remarkable!"

"Make it grand then. Just do what you think y/n-san likes," Akaashi replied tiredly. "I honestly think she will like anything that is done by you."

'Anything done by me?' Bokuto thought to himself as he thanked Akaashi. As he hung up the call, that was when an idea flashed in his brain. 'Done by me? Me = volleyball... Winning in volleyball?!'

"That's it!" Bokuto grinned widely in excitement. "I'm gonna win on my next match and propose to her there!"

Bokuto got extra fired up for next match that he began to train even further, making sure he is ready to win on his next match. Soon the day of the big day came, the day he constantly reminded y/n to show up no matter what. He was in a giddy mood, which was noticed by his teammates.

"Bokuto-san, you're in such a good mood today!" Hinata stated with a wide grin.

Bokuto nodded in excitement as he jumped up and down to which Hinata reciprocated. "Today is a big day after all!"

"I don't know what big day it is, but I guess it's a good event!"

"Stop wasting your energy before the game!" Atsumu scolded them as they entered the court.

Bokuto looked around to find where y/n was seated. When he saw her, he waved at her with a wide grin to which y/n waved back with a smile. 'Good luck,' she mouthed.

That day, it was as if the goddess of victory was on his side as his team won with a big gap difference. Before his team could even gather up to celebrate, he ran towards the audience and yelled out her name, "Y/N!!!!!"

That caused the court to be in complete silence as everyone was trying to find where and who y/n was while y/n stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing what was going on. Bokuto grinned at her as he showed her the necklace that was tugged under his shirt, revealing a ring. People were already gasping out loud as y/n face rapidly flushed into a deepest shade at his actions. "MARRY ME, Y/N!!!!"

The people around them began to cheer loudly as they yelled, "Accept it! Accept it!"

Y/n covered her face in embarrassment as she felt all the eyes in her direction. She knew her answer, but she just couldn't raise her head up with all the attention she was receiving.

Meanwhile, Akaashi watched at the whole scene in shock as this was not what he imagined. 'This will be everywhere on the news soon... Sorry, y/n-san...'

The longer it took y/n to recover from her embarrassment, the more Bokuto felt uneasy. What if she doesn't want to accept it? But before he could enter his down mood, y/n finally found the courage to look up and nodded with a sheepish smile. Bokuto's face lit up brightly while everyone clapped as they cheered loudly.

"Congratulations, Bokuto-san! This was what you meant by big day!" Hinata yelled out with a wide grin. His teammates gathered around him and congratulated him as they slap his back with a teasing grin.

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