Bokuto - Forgetting to Control His Strength Against Y/N (Fluff)

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Bokuto, who has just won the practice match, rushed towards y/n in enthusiasm with both of his hands up. Y/n knew he was rushing over for a high-five that she grinned at him and reciprocated his actions. However, Bokuto failed to control his strength as he was consumed with excitement that with a loud slapping sound, y/n fell to the ground.

Y/n certainly did not expect this that she was not ready for that amount of strength. She sat there in confusion as she tried to process what just happened. She could feel the stinging on the both of her palms, but what just happened? Why was she on the floor? Akaashi and the other members who witnessed the scene slapped their foreheads with a sigh while Bokuto stood there with pea-eyes in shock.

While Bokuto was frozen in shock, Akaashi went towards y/n to check up on her. Y/n, who finally registered what just happened, smiled at him reassuringly as she stood up with his help. However, when she saw the state Bokuto was in, she quickly tried to reassure him. "Ko-Kotarou, I'm really fine!"

She tried to persuade him on how she wasn't hurt, but Bokuto continued to be in a down mood. She wrecked her brain until she got an idea and showed him a thumbs up with a wide grin. "I could tell why you were the ace from that high-five! The power was incredible! That's my Kotarou! I'm so proud of you! You're amazing!"

At her words, Bokuto's mood instantly brightened up as he raised both of his arms to the sky with a wide grin as well. "HEY HEY HEY!!!"

Y/n let out an inaudible sigh out of relief as she clapped her hands for him.

The members who witnessed the whole interaction sighed as they shook their head in disbelief. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"That's Bokuto for you..."

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