Ushijima - Members Meeting His Girlfriend (Fluff)

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If the members found out that Ushijima was in a relationship, they will initially think that he was joking, but at the same time they knew he wasn't the type to joke around, so they were like, "HOW?!"

They didn't even think he was capable of liking someone. All he cared about was volleyball, but apparently that wasn't the case.

So when they finally got to meet his girlfriend, the first thing they asked was, "You don't happened to be threatened by him, right?"

The members knew Ushijima wasn't really the type to threaten, but they knew others could mistaken his words that way that they couldn't help but ask.

"No, of course not. Why do you say so?" Y/n asked confused while Ushijima had a confused face as well. "Why would I do that?"

"N-Nothing..." The members just shook their head as they tried to process everything.

Once they processed everything, the members were determined to help Ushijima out with his relationship since they didn't trust him when it comes to relationship. They wanted to make sure that there was no misunderstanding between Ushijima and y/n. But they will soon see how pink the air between them is.

Ushijima was so gentle with her and just looking at his eyes, there was no way y/n will think Ushijima doesn't love her anymore. They saw them holding their hands tightly as they walked around and Ushijima gently pulling her inward to avoid bumping into others. They even saw him smiling time to time as he listened to her. This side of Ushijima caused the members to rub their eyes in belief. "Are we seeing this right?"

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