Chapter One

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It wasn't that late in the morning when streams of sunlight destroyed Miyeol's weekend sleep-in

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It wasn't that late in the morning when streams of sunlight destroyed Miyeol's weekend sleep-in.

I swear I closed the curtain... She groaned, rolling over and trying to fall asleep again. The blanket had become too stuffy for her, so she tried to kick it off her legs. This action, however, kicked the whole fuzzy comforter off her now cold body.

She tried to curl up in a ball and get another half an hour, reaching out to grab the second pillow to cover her head. Unfortunately, her hand only landed on the mattress each time she tried to grasp for it. In the end, she did have to open her eyes to look for the soft cushion.

It turns out the light didn't come from Miyeol's window at all. The red curtains were securely closed and were not supposed to be able to let any light filter through them. What she had thought was sunlight was actually the light from outside her door, which was, for some reason, open.

And it wasn't even the whole door. It was just an annoying crack- the kind your parents left the door at when you had politely asked them to close it on their way out.

She gritted her teeth and gently picked up the blanket from the floor with her toes- an art only Miyeol could perfect. However, her gaze had still not landed on her missing pillow. She had been too lazy to get up and close the door, but she promptly sat up, worried that her beloved item had been stolen by her brother. Oh wait, he moved out two days ago.

She immediately knew that sitting up was a bad move. Miyeol clutched her head, wincing as it throbbed.

She squinted her eyes, the thin strip of light from the door falling right over her forehead, causing her a headache. She tried to shield her eyes with her hand but it only made it worse- the light reflecting off her ring flashed right into her eyes, causing her to let out a small shriek.

Well, now she had to get up.

Grudgingly, Miyeol carefully got to her feet, muttering curses under her breath. She started by walking around her bed, trying to find her pillow. "Where is it?!" She mumbled to herself, turning over all her blankets. Unfortunately, three minutes later the only thing she had accomplished was making her room more messy than it already was.

Her head was still pounding angrily, telling her to sit down. But Miyeol still continued on her pillow quest, walking to the living room to tear apart the couch as well.

On her way to the hall room, Miyeol passed by the kitchen and got the fright of her life when she saw her fridge door broken and lying on the ground.

"The HELL?" she gasped, treading over broken pieces of goodness knows what to reach the sorry sight of her fridge.

Instead of the metal box standing upright, cleaned last night, it was now flat on the floor with the door basically flung four feet away from it. There wasn't any food squashed considering there was barely any eatable item in it anyway, but it looked beyond repair.

"I spent four month's worth of salary on this..." Miyeol scowled. She lightly rubbed her fingers across the small pieces of rubber material that she had stepped over. Her sigh indicated that she had figured out that they were the fridge magnets gifted to her by her mother.

"There isn't any way this could have happened." She said to herself when she felt something warm against her foot. A brown furry cat was purring, as a thought dawned on her.

"HOPI!" Miyeol shouted, picking up the cat, who let out a small mewl. "DID YOU KNOCK OVER THE FRIDGE?"

Hopi, the one-year-old cat, was a bundle of energetic fur. From jumping onto the highest shelves to breaking vases on Miyeol's neighbor's terrace, they were all on his resume.

But knocking over the fridge? Even Miyeol knew that was a big accusation, but it was the only possible explanation for the mess.

The brown feline was already struggling in her hands, tired of being in one spot for more than ten seconds. It let out another meow of displeasure and wriggled out of her clasp, running in a circle before jumping on the kitchen counter. Hopi locked eyes with Miyeol as if to say: "I don't even cross your thigh by standing on my hind legs, you think I knocked down that huge ass fridge?"

However, sleep-deprived and pillow-less Miyeol decided not to listen to any reasoning and gave Hopi a hard tap on his forehead. "Bad cat." She said sternly. It let out a mewl of displeasure and jumped off the kitchen counter, only to somehow jump up to the cutlery cabinet.

"HOPI!" Miyeol screeched, the headache in her head intensifying. She started to bend down and pick up the pieces of broken magnets, trying to see whether they were fixable. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the pulsing to subdue, but it didn't. When she opened her eyes again, her cat was now playing parkour with her different cupboards.

Miyeol, clearly too tired to clean up whatever had happened in the kitchen, trudged outside, at least hoping to see her pillow. Alas, both her pillow and trust in Hopi were not in sight any longer.

Carefully snatching up Hopi when he didn't expect it, Miyeol placed the angry cat outside the kitchen and locked it's door. I'll deal with this later, she promised herself, shooting another glare at the innocent-looking Hopi and then entering the bathroom.

"I need a new fridge."

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Author's note:


If any part of this seems cringe to you, tell me, because EVERYTHING seems cringe to me, and I need an actual rational opinion.

Interactive question-
I named Hopi after Hobi (J-Hope) from BTS! Did you notice this?


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Next up-

But this is my home

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