Chapter Three: Let The Game Begin

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Ciel looked at the board thinking.

How in the hell is this girl so good in this game? He thought to himself as she took another pawn away from him. By now I should have won.. He thought carefully as he sipped his tea. "I must say I'm very impressed with you lady think you taken almost all of my pieces in a merely matter of time." He smirked. "You'd make a very well opponent in this game."

Alexandra smiled warmly her eyes slightly close as if she was hypnotized, "Thank you lord Phantomhive but I must say it has been long since I've played." Alexandra explained lightly, "Papa always fiddled with this game and would offer me to play."

"I see.." Ciel moved his Night looking at Alexandra, "You're father taught you well but not well enough."

Alexandra smile grew, "I know but... Checkmate." She said as Ciel looked at the board in shock.

I lost how could I have lost! Ciel thought as he looked up, Alexandra fixing her choker. This girl is smarter than what she presents people with. Ciel smiled as he looked at her. "You surprised me a bit lady Alexandra I never thought that you would beat me in this game."

Alexandra took a sip of her tea, making sure that the eye contact between Ciel and her didn't break. Letting her cup down she smiled, "I didn't either a game like this I was certain I'd lose." She murmured gently, pulling the little lock of hair out of her face. "Guess Papas lessons where great help after all.."

Meanwhile in the kitchen..

"So you're telling me that your a butler from Spain!" The cook said looking at William, "bloody hell."

"It is true the King himself hired me to be Milady's butler when she was ye small," William explained smiling as he cooked, "tho we don't have the accent we are from Spain."

"So you 'ere because the young master told you to come 'ere, he did!" Meyrin exclaimed.

William chuckled making Sebastians irritation rise. William took notice and continued on his job, "Will you excuse me I must finish this task or supper will be served late." William smiled warmly at them. "I hate for Milady to feel a bit disappointed on her butler including the young Earl of yours."

"Now run along and finish your other duties." Sebastian glared at them making them run to the hills.

"Oh 'e's so cute, yes 'e is!" Meyrins voice said making William laugh a bit.

"I can tell that you get easily annoyed by them why is that?" William asked smirking a bit.

"They overreact about the slightest things even after the whole incident with the mutt." Sebastian murmured gently, grilling the meat, "So is there other helpers around? I know you can do simple things by yourself but for the family to not realize...."

William smirked at Sebastian as he chuckled, "Yes two maids, gardener, a Chief, I pretty much do the rest like you do only I have " useful " assistance when I need it."

Sebastian scoffed at his reply placing the fiery meat on a plate while William put soup on a bowl. "You sure your mistress will like this?" Sebastian asked as he placed well seasoned vegetables.

"My little Ally loves home food so that the soup made by ingredients of Spain will taste just like her mother's favorite soup the meat with hot pepper season will taste very well with the seasoned vegetables reminding her of a special restaurant in Spain." William said smiling like a goof ball, "then the French dessert will bring back her most precious memories she'll love it."

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