20• Double Attack

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I did. They are all in the other cars. Don't worry." He says.

I say a 'okay' and rest my head on his chest, closing my eyes. It's over.

"Sir, we have a problem." The driver spoke, making me open my eyes again.

"What is it?"

"We're being followed by two cars."


"Drive faster, and try to lose them."

They start firing guns, some bullets hitting us. Liam pulls my head down and tells me to cover. I listen.

He shifts to the other side and pulls out a gun and starts shooting. He hits one and the car goes off the road, hitting a tree then exploding.

"Fuck!" He groans, making me look up at him. Seeing his been shot on the arm. Worry feels my whole body.

"Liam?! Are you ok?" He nods and continues shooting.

Just when we think we've lost them another bullet flies in and hits the head of the driver. Before I could tell Laim, our car drives off the road and flips 3 times.

I open my eyes to see blood all over the place. The driver is dead and Liam is unconscious with blood running down his head.

"Liam, please wake up. Liam! I shake his body. He opens his eyes.

"Take my gun. Shoot whoever it is amore." I see him closing his eyes again, struggling to keep them open.

"No, no, I can't please wake up."

"Amore, I love you, okay? Just do it for me."

I can't lose you again. Baby, please. He struggles to stay up but soon closes them.

He loves me?

No, no, he can't leave me.

Silence feels the car. Hearing footsteps come over. I hold onto the gun tightly, waiting for them to get close so I can shoot them.

"We got them, boss." A man with a thick Spanish voice says.

One opens the door, and I shoot him in the head, making their body fall lifeless on the ground.

Before I could shoot the other, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me out of the car.

"No! Let me go." I try aiming the gun, but he quickly hit it off my hands. I kick and punch, not caring if I hit anything or not.

"You fucking bitch, stop kicking me." Only making me smirk because that means I did hit something.

I don't notice the other man until I feel someone grabbing my hair as I struggle to get away from them. The other on got on top of me and started strangling me. I tried everything. But he was stronger than me, I stopped fighting him and just accepted that this is it.

"Man, leave her. You'll kill her, and the boss won't like that." The other says, but he's still on top of me. The same man pushed him off me, and that's when I tried catching my breath.

"Let's finish this now so we can leave this place before any police show up." Both men start walking towards the car where Laim laid unconscious.

No, no, they can't hurt him.

"How stupid can you be. You know the cops are gonna be here anytime, yet you wanna leave evidence. Honestly you guys are stupid as fuck." My voice cracked, as I rubbed my neck feeling the bruise the motherfucker left.

I pulled myself up and walked towards them.

"You better stay away from him or else I'll make sure your families don't live to see another day." I say smiling, just to give what I said a more scary look.

I know I wouldn't do anything like that, but I have to make sure Liam doesn't get hurt.

The man who was struggling me starts walking towards me and when he got in front of me.He slaps me.

I smile and look up at him, knowing I got in his head. The other one gets infront of me and pushes his buddy.

"Stop this. Are you fucking retarded or what? You know the boss wants her unharmed. What the fuck man?" He shouts. This makes me really question who this boss is and what he wants from me.

Now that I have a better look at the two men. The one who struggled me looks 6"1, bold and has tattoos covering his whole head and body but not his face, buff and has face piercings. While the other is 6ft, blonde hair, also has tattoos like the other one. The are both were black suits making them look intimidating. But not as intimidating as Laim.

The blonde one grabs my arm and we start walking to the car. I can't do anything but hope they find Liam soon. I look back for the last time and pray he is okay.

We drive off to who knows where.
I wonder where I'm going.

Hey guys:)

I know this is not the best chapter but I just had to update. And make sure I still have you guys with me.

I'd love to thank everyone one of you for the support. We've reached 1k!! Reads. That's crazy. I actually didn't expect to continue this book. But because of the support you all have given me, I know I have to finish this book.

Thank you, guys. I appreciate you so much!!!

See you in the next chapter!

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