I was feeling nervous even to look at my surroundings.. I was walking with my appa all time looking at floor why I was feeling this much nervous..
I slowly slowly raised my head I saw him standing there staring at me with loving eyes..

I can't tell you he was looking so much handsome like Greek god..
'Why I'm staring at him shamelessly'
'Without blinking my eyes..'
'What happened with me?'

(Author : yoongi effect 🌚)

Soon we came toward stage everything was prepared beautifully..
Appa gave my hand in his hand I felt something when he held my hand..

Yoongis look

Yoongis look

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Author pov

"Take care of my stubborn son" mr park said looking at jimin with teary and lovable eyes.

"I know he is cold but he is sweet to just try to know him.. he will take some time to adjust" mr park said like he will cry.. jimin was controlling cause no matter how cold he behave but today it was to emotional he will leave his appa.

"I'll dad. I can't love the way you loved him the way you treat him but I'll make my place in his heart don't work your son is my responsibility from now " yoongi said with smile eyeing jimin while holding his hand softly.

Jimin waz to busy at staring Yoongi's face when yoongi was taking with his father..

" You can stare at me in home.. I'm all yours" jimin Flinched when yoongi said this in his ear.

" I-I w-was not staring ok.. " jimin again cursed himself for shuttering.

They both are busy when priest coughed little, earning their attention.

" Min yoongi do you take park jimin as your husband?" Yoongi smiled .

" I do " hearing this jimins heartbeat fasten.

" Park jimin do you take min yoongi as your husband?" Yoongi was looking at jimin he wanted to look at younger's expressions

" I-I do." Yoongi smiled.. they exchanged rings.

" Now you both are husbands you may kiss" yoongi smirked. nervousness could be seen on jimins face.

Yoongi came infront of younger exactly standing infront of jimin jimins heartbeat was loud just thinking about kiss.
Yoongi cupped jimins face.. jimin closed his eyes .

" BASTARD NO" jimin said in mind with closed eyes.

But he smiled in relief when he felt kiss on his forehead it felt warm yet good..
He opened his eyes just to look at elder.

" What you thought?" Yoongi asked with Smirk.

" N-nothing" jimin shutterd.

" If you want I can give you " yoongi said making jimin red.


" Want to know one secret?"younger showed that he is not interested but he wanted to know.

" I want out first kiss to be special and long last" yoongi winked but he scared little when he got glares from jimin.

" Fuck you " jimin mocked.

" This is my job mr min" jimin blushed after hearing mr min.
Yoonmin were so tired now they both were feeling like to sleep where they got place.
Mr park came toward them he hugged yoongi.

" Now take care of my chim. He is really pracious for me " yoongi hugged him back.

" I'll dad he is pracious for me too "

Mr park came infront of jimin he hugged jimin finally letting his tears came out.

" Appa " jimin hugged tightly..

Jimin really want to say " appa I can't live without you" but his cold self was stoping him.

" Start your new life" jimin wiped tears from his appas eyes his eyes was Also wet but he managed.
They came toward car

"Come dad come in other car ok" Yoongi said.

" No yoongi we are going back in village it's been 2 weeks since we are here " they said.

" But I thought you will stay with us for somedays" yoongi said with little sad voice.

" Yes he is right" jimin said looking extremely cute to everyone but he suddenly realised his tone.

" Pls stay with us for somedays" this time jimin said with cold tone.

" I'm really sorry.. we don't want to disturb you guy's " mrs min said teasingly.

" Mom!! " yoongi was looking so shy and embarrassed.

" Bye bye take care of my jimina..
Jiminie baby tell me if this cat did something" jimin laughed on mrs min's words

" I'll " he laughed.

" Don't you think you are laughing to much" yoongi was looking so annoying.. jimin rolled his eyes on yoongis words

They are going toward home 🌚👀

---to be continue

Word count


Next chap

" This is my house for your information mr min jimin so I'm boss here get that " yoongi said in husky voice pushing younger on couch


Heyy wamily 💓

How are you?

How's this chap??

This part was already written so I thought let's update today was my account paper and I did Good but now it sucks day after tomorrow I have FOC paper (fundamental of computer)

Now don't expect next chap from me I'll update

I'll update love I hate you to so go and complete target of that ff

Gosh I hate studying 😭
Nowdays not feeling to write anything so incourage me don't be silent reader one person can do more than 5 comments if I write 1k words can't you just do some comments for me pls
You can just right what you like in this chapter just your one comment can me make me happy..
Don't be silent or then I'll be silent 😶 Want me to be silent?

Love you all

Vote target 100
Comment target 100 🌝 not to much if you did I'll update next chap in this week ..it's on you if you want update then.... 💅💅

--yoonmins adopted daughter here

So Many mistakes correct me.. I really don't have time : )

𝐂𝐄𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐟) ✓Where stories live. Discover now