Chapter 2 - An Unlikely Bond

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Over the next couple of days, Rose found her thoughts often straying to Edward Nygma, the mysterious man who had rescued her that unusual night. His charismatic yet enigmatic nature lingered vividly in her mind.

To her surprise one morning, Rose received an elaborate floral delivery at Wayne Enterprises, drawing the curiosity of her coworkers. Nestled within the extravagant bouquet was a small green envelope addressed simply: "My Dear Puzzle."

Heart quickening, Rose slid it carefully open under the desk. Inside was an elegant note penned in flowing green script:

My dear Rose,

I hope this letter finds you well. Our brief encounter left me hoping for a chance to further our discussion over puzzles and life's greater mysteries. If your curiosity matches my own, come to this address tonight at 7. Solve the riddle to be let inside:

What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at either end?


Your friend E

A tiny emerald question mark was dotted below along with the address printed neatly underneath. Pulse racing, Rose understood it was a summons from none other than the Riddler himself. The thought of seeing her unusual savior again filled her with conflicted feelings - apprehension yet also undeniable excitement.

That evening, Rose hesitated outside the mysterious address, a decrepit warehouse on the outskirts of the Narrows. Taking a deep breath, she knocked and spoke the answer to the riddle: "The letter R."

The weathered door creaked open, revealing Edward standing there in full Riddler regalia - emerald suit fastidiously pressed, golden cane glinting. A grin spread across his face.

"Welcome, my clever friend. Please do come in. I'm delighted you accepted my invitation."

As Rose crossed the threshold into the Riddler's secret lair, she found herself in what appeared to be both a cozy lounge and a work area, combined into one multi-purpose room. Plush furnishings were scattered around, giving it an inviting feel. Intriguing artifacts and puzzles also filled the space.

Edward gestured grandly to the eclectic space he had crafted. "Please excuse the mess; the life of a rogue does result in some disorganization. But make yourself at home!"

He first showed Rose a seating area with rich Persian rugs and handsome leather armchairs surrounding a table. "I often recline here while crafting intricate schemes or riddles to vex the minds of Gotham's dolts," he explained.

They then passed a well-stocked bar and a small kitchenette area. "Help yourself to any drinks or snacks while you visit!" Edward added with a gracious smile.

Next, he guided Rose over to an elaborate worktable strewn with papers, tools, and bits of technology. She realized with awe that it was where he engineered the puzzles and inventions around his criminal themes.

"My workspace for bringing imaginative chaos to this dull city," he proclaimed with pride.

Finally, they stopped before a bookcase packed with texts of all genres, puzzles, and board games. "And entertainment for when even I require respite from my relentless thoughts," Edward remarked.

"Now then, might I interest you in a game?" Edward asked, green eyes glinting eagerly. "Clue perhaps? Or Scrabble; I assure you, I can provide a challenge there..."

"Clue sounds like fun," Rose replied brightly, finding the murder mystery theme quite fitting for Gotham's notorious Riddler.

"Excellent choice," Edward approved. He stood to retrieve the box from its place on the shelf. Returning, he began neatly arranging the game pieces between them on the table.

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