worries, go away - gunwook

Start from the beginning

Gunwook slowly made his way to standing and walked over to the two members by the speakers. “I’ll head home first,” he informed them before picking up his sweater from one of the chairs and throwing it on. He grabbed his bag and waved at the duo before stepping to the hallway and to the mild autumn breeze outside. He stared at his shoes as he inhaled a ton of air, taking a deep breath.

As he was walking, a supposedly stray cat passed by him, crossing the street. Gunwook was glad there was barely any traffic, otherwise the cat could have gotten run over, and that would have ruined Gunwook’s already bad day even more. He followed with his gaze as the gray ball of fur stomped it’s way to in-between some houses by the street, an elderly man coming up to it with heavy-looking bags from the nearby convenience store. The cat investigated how the man placed the bags down and leaned forward, holding out a hand to pet it. Without a second thought the cat leaned into the touch and care coming from the man, seemingly familiar with him.

Gunwook saw the man reach to take something out of one of the bags, turns out he had bought food for the stray cat. He opened the container, careful not to hurt the cat that was pushing it’s head towards him, before placing it to the grass a few meters away, out of the driveway. The cat quickly followed to the food, instantly digging it’s head to it. The man smiled before sitting down next to the cat.

Gunwook found himself smiling at the interaction he saw, and also felt a little similar to the cat. He knew it was stupid, but he felt jealous of the affection that the cat got. It looked cute and approachable, and it was a cat. People were into cats, it was a given. Gunwook wished people were affectionate with him, kind of the same way the man was with the cat. He wanted to be cared for even if it was just small things like that.

Gunwook noticed he had stopped on his way when he had seen the cat, and got too distracted to continue walking. So he had just been standing there for at least five minutes now. Before he let himself feel embarrassed, he started moving again. He secretly hoped that no one saw the way he was staring at an old man feeding a stray cat. It could give a weird picture about him to people, and he really didn’t want to cause a dispatch article because of something so stupid.

Soon Gunwook reached their dorm, seeing their manager come out of the door. He forced on a smile as a greeting, too tired to intend any small talk. Immediately when he stepped inside, the smell of spicy chicken ramen flooded his nostrils. It made him realize how hungry he actually was, so after taking of his shoes he headed straight for the kitchen. In there waited for him a sight that his tired mind would rather not have witnessed, already flooded with negativity. Zhang Hao placed a freshly cooked bowl of ramen in front of a sleepy Yujin, who was burried in a blanket as if he was a burrito.

Gunwook kept his gaze on Yujin for a few seconds, before gloomily walking up to the counter to find if there would be any more packs of ramen in the upper cabinet, just to find it empty. His pout increaced a ton from the lack of his favorite quick food, especially because he had bought it himself. He wouldn’t be mad at his members for eating it, of course, but usually he would appreciate if they at leasts asked him first.

“Oh Gunwook-ah, I cooked the last package of ramen for Yujin since he was hungry, I hope you don’t mind,” Hao said, and Gunwook looked at him with an unreadable expression that he quickly shifted into a smile. “Oh yeah, of course I don’t,” Gunwook answered. It was a partially the turth too, he didn’t mind anyone taking the ramen as it was for everyone, but after a long day practicing he couldn’t help but crave for some tasty noodles. But of course just today they had to run out of it, and even more so with Yujin eating it right in front of him. Oh and Yujin was also being cuddled by Hao, who seemed to find it extremely adorable how Yujin could barely keep his eyes open while slowly slurping the ramen he made.

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