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(Next chapter hope u like.)

Oh no I though as I stared at the agent.

"A civilian, you had contact with a civilian? Team Prime is more out of control then I thought." He said coming down and approaching me, taking his phone out. "I have to take you in."

Bulkhead bent down. "Uhh . . . this call is," he crushed it. "Out of order."

I couldn't help but to giggle, luckily the agent didn't hear it. The black man sighed angrily. "Alright your coming with me to the Pentagon." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the catwalk, then to an elevator, we exited the elevator to a landing dock that held a helicopter, he opened the passenger door for me. "Get in kid . . . have you ever flown before?"


"Well your going to now, what's your name?" He asked closing the door, I waited for him to get in on the other side to answer.

"Fallon, Fallon Rodgers."

"I'm Agent William Fowler, retired army ranger, but call me Agent Fowler."

"Huh . . . nice to meet you agent Fowler."

"Rodgers . . . was it your father that disappeared nine years ago?" He asked as we took off.

I sighed and nodded. "Yes, Seth Rodgers, my father, I thought his case went cold and everyone forgot about it."

"Well most, but I was on the case for awhile, you were the little girl, you were so nice and sweet." He said, "but also a strong fighter . . . I could tell."

"Oh, uh . . . thanks . . ."

He nodded, then tried to contact the Pentagon.

I looked out of the side door, we were over the desert, I then heard a faint whirling, that was increasing and getting closer to the helicopter.

"Uh, Agent Fowler . . .?"

"Hush kid, I'm contacting the Pentagon." He said repeating what he said earlier in to the microphone near his mouth.


Suddenly the helicopter jerked roughly. "What in Uncle Sam's beard?"

I almost laughed at that comment. I didn't know why.

"Agent Fowler I think it's not the right time to make a humorous comment."

"Its not suppose to be humorous."

"Well it was . . ."

"Hold on to your red, white, and blue stared spangled boxers I'm high tailing it!" He said.

Okay, he's not helping with the comments at all. 

I suddenly gripped the seat as he flipped the helicopter to missed laser-fire from the attacker.

"Hey ease off on the tricks! I'm new at this!"

"Wanta dance Con? I'll lead." He said suddenly, ignoring me, and took fire on the bird like Con attacking us, we gave chase until it flipped over us and was now behind. The helicopter shook violently and an alarm went off.

"Never an Autobot around when you actually need one." He said as we spun out of control. Then the bird drone, I've settled on that, latched on to the top of the helicopter, two tentacles splayed around it grabbed me, then agent Fowler, but not before he was able to push a button, then pulled us out before we crashed with the helicopter.

I looked at him and sighed. "Great."

(......not very proud of this chapter so thanks for reading it and please leave comments.)

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