A Dream Within You

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The music that was melodically playing through the speakers faded away with the figure that slowly laid their body down with the rhythmic movements putting an end to the performance. The room was moderately dark, the only source of light being the small rays of sun peeking through the wide glass screen behind the closed curtains.

The silence of the room, which was only occupied by the hard breathing of the person lying on the floor, was soon filled with another song. This song was much louder and noisier compared to the soft music that was played before. The music was loud against the walls of the room.

The last notes for the song's outro were playing when the once lying body slowly got up from the floor with a long sigh. She went near the speaker and disconnected her phone from the speaker, grabbing her bag that was just near the speaker and leaving the room in darkness.

The sky was painted with a mix of blue and yellow hue with the setting sun glowing. Opposed to warm atmosphere the weather was chilly than Clara had expected. During the small walk to her house, which she shared with two of her friends, Clara suddenly felt nostalgic.

It has been so long since she arrived here in England to study dancing. Six years to be exact. She had felt both nervous and excited when she left her homeland after her high school graduation to pursue her dreams. At that time, she could not wait to see how her journey would unfold.

The first week after the arrival was very chaotic for everyone with getting settled into the dorms, figuring out their schedules for the year, getting acquainted with new classmates and familiarizing themselves around the area. After everything seemed to settle down, everyone started finding people to be friends with, which wasn't easy at all for Clara.

She was having a hard time making friends.

Sure, she did talk with her roommates and a few people from different classes time to time. But all that small talk didn't really seem to lead into long-lasting and meaningful friendships.

The thing was Clara was a very cautious person; she didn't want to leave a bad impression on anyone and hurt anyone in any way. Maybe that's why it was very hard for her to speak her mind and go with the flow of jokes with her classmates most of the time.

A bitter chuckle left from Clara's lips at the memory. So much for not hurting anyone. Throughout these years Clara has learnt that no matter how much you look out for things, someone will get hurt. Be it a stranger, someone dear to you or even your own self.

Shaking the thought off, she entered the house only to be greeted by Timothee, one of her housemates and oldest friend from the university.

"Oh, you are early today! I mean I know it's already passed the time when you were supposed to get back but since you always stay until late in the studio and you are earlier than usual so-" Timothee cut off her rambling when she saw the raise of eyebrows on her friend's face.

"I just decided I could use some rest today, that's why I'm early" Clara continued amused "you don't have to be so...all that about it".

"Yeah, sorry. Didn't want to make you uncomfortable".

It was silent for a while until Timothee asked whether Clara wanted some juice she was making, to which Clara responded with a head shake saying she was going to her room after drinking some water.

"Wait, what about dinner? I was planning on ordering take out since there was no one else"

"Just order the same thing for me and keep it in the fridge. I won't be hungry for a while since I ate lunch late" and with that Clara made her way to her room shutting them slowly.

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