Chapter 21

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Zachary POV

2 hours later

I managed to catch up to Eve in the sky as I still noticed Ava who seemed as though she was peacefully sleeping and nodded at her.

She nodded back and glared at me.

"What is your problem with me?" I roared over the sound of the wind.

"I see the way you look at her still, hoping she will get back with you and abandon everyone for you, she doesn't need that manipulation in her life!" She snapped.

I rolled my eyes.

"Get over it! I can admire her all hat I want but I now know my place with her so I'll continue to admire from afar! It's not manipulation it's love,"

"How about you-" All of a sudden something zoomed straight into Eve causing her to spin out of control and drop Ava.


Avangeline was one of the best flyers in the group, she was able to maneuver herself in ways we just couldn't and understand her speed, wing control and resistance. Ariel was the second best while Eve, Eli and I were better at landing.

I quickly grabbed Taylor from Ariel's back and she immediately zoomed down, going almost as fast as the speed of sound as she managed to grab Ava and realized she wouldn't have time to slow herself down in enough time at the speed she was falling. She clutched the back of Ava's head as she flipped her, her back now facing the ground, and prepared to crash land.

She screamed loudly on impact as she smacked into the ground and took most of the impact as her body began to re heal slowly but surely.

Eve and I zoomed down with Taylor on my back and as we gently landed we raced over towards the two and I grabbed Ava out of Ariel's hands so that Eve could help her up.

She seemed fine, just a bit shaken up.

"Ariel are you alright?" I asked.

She looked up as she glared at Eve.

"What the fuck was that? You just lose control for no reason and drop your own sister?" She yelled.

"Something smacked into me! It was coming so fast I couldn't even see what it was!" Eve shouted back.

"Evangeline?" We all looked over to see Alpa Nicholas staring at us with wide eyes.

Eve ran over to him and gave him a bone crushing hug, him returning the action.

He noticed me and glared at me for a split second before he noticed a motionless Ava in my arms and it almost looked as if he were ready to burst into tears.

He walked over towards me and gently grabbed her out of my arms.

"What's wrong with her?" He whispered.

"She's stuck in a coma like state but more so stuck in her head," I said.

He looked down at her face before gently planting a kiss onto her lips, simultaneously causing two very powerful growls around us.

We all turned in surprise to see Taylor and Derek standing there with pitch black eyes and faces full of envy and jealousy.

Nicholas's face turned white as his eyes landed upon Taylor.

Derek stalked towards Nicholas as dirt and mud covered his bare chest and he growled in Nicholas's face, slightly towering over him.

Such an amusing sight.

"Don't you dare touch her again," He growled dangerously.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Nicholas asked annoyed and furious.

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