Chapter 12.

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Eve's POV

She wasn't supposed to get attached. She was never supposed to get attached to the child and I told her this the very night she took the child away.


I landed gently onto the ground in our campsite as I watched Ava stumble and nearly fall before regaining her balance and standing up straight.

I placed my hands on my hips and frowned at her.

"Explanation now," I demanded as I pointed to the child in her arms.

"It's a vampire child, she's about 2 years old but she didn't belong there. I don't know what they had planned for her but I had to get her out of there," She explained as she looked down at the child lovingly.

I pulled out a dagger as I advance dover to the sleeping child, wanting to end this once and for all but Ava quickly guarded both her and the child with her giant black wings.

"Stay the fuck away from her Evangeline," She snapped as she peeked through the feathers of her wings.

I backed away in annoyance as I whisked the dagger away and stared at her.

"If you keep this child Ava you will get attached and if something happens to her then you might lose control. Rule number 1, WE DON'T GET ATTACHED TO MORTALS," I scolded.

"Shut up I won't get attached, besides it a helpless child and vampire children grow quickly so in a matter of two months I will abandon her," She said as brushed the child's red hair away from her face.

"I'll call you Elizabeth," She smiled.

The child slowly opened her eyes as she stared up at her and smiled back.

"Fine, but I want nothing to do with this," I said coldly as I walked away.

*End of Flashback*

Now she's gotten so attached that she's going to lose control of herself and what was worse was that she was the rare black winged angel.

"Well hello Evangeline, I was hoping to never see you again," I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see a tall woman with blonde slicked down hair down to her thighs, she had extremely red and cracked lips almost as if they were constantly bleeding and in pain as she had bright honey brown eyes that seemed to shine in the sun. She wore all black from head to toe with no shoes on her feet because never once did she allow for her feet to touch the ground, she always hovered.

This was Ariel, a golden winged Assassin Angel who also happened to be a Mother Nature Angel. Ariel was one of only few Angels who had more than one job, as a Mother Nature Angel she was in charge of tending to nature, animals and other mortals as well as stopping those who pose a threat to the very Nature and Earth that she loves, hence receiving two responsibilities as an Angel.

We both mildly hated each other but she only tolerated me because she adored Avangeline.

"I told you that Ava is never leaving me, so why are you here?" I rolled my eyes as I walked towards her.

"I'm not here for you. The Moon Goddess has called upon me for a mission here, she said a danger that needs to be controlled," She explained.

I brushed the dirt from my pants as I walked out of the forest with Ariel hovering behind me close by and there stood Elijah, another white winged assassin like me and Zachary, a golden winged assassin. They both looked at us with curiosity as we approached.

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