When he starts picking up pace, his bedroom door hits the wall, "Hol- oh my God! Abort mission dudes!" Wren yells, covering his eyes. Holland pulls out of my mouth, and I grab the blanket off the bed, wrapping it around me. Wren backs out of Holland's room, "I didn't see anything Oaklynn. I promise!" He says when the door is closed.

        I know I should be embarrassed by the fact my boyfriend's best friend just walked in on me giving him head, but I'm not. I let out a laugh, and Holland's eyes snap to me. "I am so sorry. He usually knocks." He tells me, and I shrug. "Are you having a stroke or something? My best friend just walked in on me fucking your face, and you are laughing."

        I catch a few breaths, "I'm fine. It's just funny to me. Out of all the times he knocks before coming into your room, he chooses the one day I'm on my knees to burst in. I should be embarrassed about it, but I'm weirdly not." I state, and he nods unsure. "It's not any weird shit like voyeurism, but I know he won't say anything and he didn't see anything other than my hair you were holding." I add, and he nods more surely this time.

        "We should probably go see what they wanted. And beware, Wren is probably telling everyone about what happened, so feel free to take a shot at them if you want." He tells me, and I laugh. Holland puts his clothes on, and hands me mine, "We'll finish this another time, I promise." I nod, and when we are both dressed, we walk down to the living room.

        When we reach the last step, the living room erupts in claps and whistles and cheers. Holland's whole hockey team is sitting around the living room. They congratulate Holland on his end of celibacy, and make jokes about what Wren saw. Eventually, Wren tells them to stop talking about it, and they start talking about hockey. The only one who isn't joking around and having a good time is Dustin.

        I walk over to him, and stand in front of him, "Look. I know you hate me, but you're best friends miss the guy you were before I came. I know I am such an inconvenience in your life, but don't let me being here stop you from having a good time. If I need to, I'll go sit in my damn room just so your friends can enjoy the guy they think you are." I tell him, and he basically looks through me.

        I got to open my mouth again, but he shoots up, grabs my wrist, and pulls me to the patio. "What the hell is your issue?" I yell, and his cold gaze falls on me. "If you're going to be an ass, you could have done it in the house. Everyone already knows you don't like me, so no one would ha-" His hand covers my mouth.

        "Shut the fuck up. All you ever do is talk. Anywhere I go, there's only ever fucking talk about you!" He shouts, and I take a small step back. Unfortunately, it wasn't as small as I thought it was because Dustin noticed it. "I'm not going to hit you. Even if you've taken everything from me." I look at him confused.

        "I wasn't afraid you'd hit me. I was stepping back so I can prepare myself for if I need to hit you," I state, "And what am I taking from you?" I throw my hands up in question, and he tugs his hair. "I have told you time and time again that I don't want to get in between anyone. That also means I'm not interested in taking anything from you." I say, and his eyes finally meet mine.

        Something passes through them, maybe a moment of realization or something. "You don't know, do you?" He asks, and I make a face letting him know I have no clue what he is talking about. "This makes a lot of sense. He said you'd reach out and want to talk to him. And that you'd brag about it." He? He who? "What's your dad's name? Where does he live? When have you met him?" Dustin asks, and I eye him wryly.

        "His name is Jason. He lives here, and I haven't met him. He sent me a letter asking to meet me, and saying some other stuff. Wait, why do you care? You've been an asshole to me these past few months." I question.

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