Stonewall's Last Gambit

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Author's Note:  This entry must consist only of dialogue and qualify as historical fiction and feature a mythical creature while also being a maximum of 500 words.  

 "Morning Josiah. You hear the news about old Stonewall Jackson?"

"Oh, good morning, Thaddeus. Last I heard he was importing some sort of secret weapon from the Greek Isles. Said it was going to put an end once and for all to them Northern Aggressors."

"Yep, well, that secret weapon arrived last night. Turns out he got himself one of them Medusa critters. You know, the kind with the snakes for hair?"

"I reckon they call them things gorgons."

"Yep. Reckon so. Anyway, you know old Stonewall. Always gotta inspect everything himself. Make sure it's in tip-top shape."

"So was it? In tip-top shape, I mean."

"Yep. I think that sucker was working a little too well. Old Stonewall went and looked it directly in the eye. You know what happens when you look one of them there gorgons in the eye?"

"If I remember correctly from Mrs. Beauregard's readin' class, you get yourself turned into solid rock."

"That's about the size of it. Well, it turns out old Stonewall was standing between two fence posts when he made his inspection. He's blocking the way through 'em."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying, Thaddeus?"

"Yep. I reckon old Stonewall went and turned himself into a stone wall. Literally."

"Well, I'll be darned. Ain't that something?"

"Yep. You got anything to eat, Josiah? I'm getting a bit peckish."

"Sorry, Thaddeus. A mouse got into the last of the grits and ate 'em all up."

"Sounds like old Stonewall's not the only one having himself a bad day. You take care of yourself now, you hear?"

"Nice chatting with you, Thaddeus. Have yourself a good one."

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