Chapter 5: Stupid Human

Start from the beginning

"Ok, good. Now we can continue once I tell you both the rooms. Iruma, you have to keep this slime safe. If it dies while under your protection, you lose."

I didn't like the sound of that, I'd need to try my hardest... That tiny slime didn't deserve to die just for me to get some skill or something...

"Its fate is in your hands." She pulled me over to her with some weird golden cloud spell. Then handed the slime to me. "Now, next I'll be applying a spell to you to make this a bit more difficult. Reason being, I want you to learn Magic Sense. You'll need it if you are to survive."

"What do you mean? I haven't needed it until now..." It all was just for a skill.

Hinata sighed. "That is because of Rimuru, but Rimuru won't always be around. I can assure you, Magic Sense is a necessary skill. The spell I'm about to use is one Shizu-sensei used on me to teach me Magic Sense."

A magic circle appeared on Hinata's hand. "You should prepare yourself for this, I heard Rimuru was in a similar state for the first few months of his life, but he didn't have human instincts at the time. So it may be more alarming for you."

"What do you mean? Similar state? What kind of state?" I felt worried she might have some way to turn me into a slime or something.

"You'll see." Hinata placed her hand on top of my head.

Then all my senses, except for touch, disappeared completely. I was only left with three things, my sense of touch, Aoki's anger somewhere behind me, and I could always tell where the tiny slime was and how it was doing.

I knew I was trying to talk, and even yell, and scream, but I didn't hear anything. I was alone, in the dark and quiet of my own head.

I could feel I was moved somewhere else after what felt like almost forever, then I heard a voice in my head. {{I've moved you to the other corner of the room. Try your hardest to defend yourself, and the slime. I've removed Aoki's senses as well, and weakened them with a purification seal. So, you have a chance of winning.}} It was Hinata, and she explained a little more to me before I felt like I was pushed forward.

I stumbled for a few moments for my footing, trying to figure out where exactly in the room I was and how far I'd been pushed. It wasn't really possible to know exactly where... But I felt like I'd been pushed a meter or two.

I cupped the tiny slime to my chest to keep it safe, and tried turning around to try and sense out anything I could.

The air and whatever else was around me was all too fuzzy to really get anything out of... I just couldn't quite get what was intended. Even with Rimuru having explained Magic Sense to me a few times in the past...

I felt a surge of air to my right, so I just jumped all the way to my left on instinct. It almost felt like a gunshot had gone off next to me.

I was in incredible danger.

Holding something Aoki genuinely wanted to kill, it wasn't a good position to be in, but I didn't really know how to respond. So I just stayed low to the ground and tried to creep across the floor quietly... If she couldn't see me either, I just needed to make sure not to make any noticeable movement in the air while this close to her.

Crawling on one hand while holding the tiny slime in the other made me drop to the ground a few times, but eventually I managed to move a good few meters away, I think. It was slow, but I didn't feel as in danger once I was that far away.

I tried to focus on that vague feeling I had from the tiny slime and Aoki, but it was too fuzzy and unclear to really get much more out of than how they were feeling.

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