Act 14: Defami The Terrible

Start from the beginning

"Cat shifter, I would be careful in using my men as you have, because I will retaliate if more are harmed."
Modi walked up to Defami, snarling this out, grabbing Defami by his throat, and giving it a squeeze, in which Defami sneered at Modi inna mocking way.

Defami headbutts Modi, making Modi fall on his rear, and his nose started bleeding, the Rogue wolf surprised by such strength, yet loathed he was overpowered by a mere cat shifter, a bitch that is known to whore around in famous stories told for centuries, that every wolf knows about in his Rogue tribe, yet Pack Wolves call Rogues a pack instead of a tribe.
"Threatening a shifter older than you is not wise.
I am older, and more powerful than you Modi, so I suggest you obey my whims, as well as your people.
Hell, Buzi and his pack know to not cross me, and so should you."
Defami pressed his boot harshly on Modi's balls, making Modi gag and cry out in pain, the look once again on Defami's face that Modi was a mere bug meant to be squashed was upon his face, that Modi was filth compared to Modi.
"Lest you lose your balls, I suggest you obey me my pet, are we clear?!"
Defami hissed out, and Modi nods, and Defami pulls his boot off of Modi's balls, and Modi's balls throbbed in pain, him glaring up at Defami.

"I understand milord."
Modi staggered to stand up, yet he did stand on his feet, yet loathed he has to submit to this cat shifter's whims for now, lest this cat shifter will kill him, since the cat shifter was way older than Modi.

Another wolf walked into the room, witnessing Modi's humiliation, and he had shoulder length light brown wild hair, and silver blue eyes, and he looked in his forties, and Modi looked to be in his late thirties.
He wore a black tank top, that showed his broad muscular chest, six packed abs, and thick muscular arms, and he wore black jeans, and black boots.
"Ah, Buzi.
Have you got any new information for me besides Modi being a massive prick?"
Defami asked Buzi sarcastically, yet arrogantly.

"Yes, one of the old ones is looking for formula for the pup as you suspected one of them would do."
Buzi looked to Modi, scoffing at Modi.
"You are a worthless swine, your Beta was as well."

Modi growled at Buzi, and Buzi growled back like feral beasts, which annoyed Defami to no end.
Defami sighs dramatically snarling out.
"You two mutts!
Stop marking your territory in my presence!"
The two wolves looked to Defami, the two then stopped growling at each other, them feeling cold chills going down the spines at the mere anger in Defami's voice.
"You are my property until the pup is devoured by me, now act like it!"

"We know cat shifter."
Buzi scoffed, him brave enough to sass Defami, and then he glared at Modi.
"Though it disgusts me that a Rogue is working with me, I can endure it, yet using Romodium is not wise, due to it makes us infertile, and we need to reproduce in the future."

"War comes at a cost, and that is the cost, so deal with it!"
Defami growled out, then inquired next to Buzi.
"Only select certain wolves to breed, and some to fight with Romodium, problem solved."

"You bastard!
You want our numbers to dwindle!"
Modi snarled out, him furious about this sort of plan, because it would dwindle their numbers as werewolves drastically and immensely at best, making them nearly extinct!

Defami laughed at Modi, as I'd he was above the pathetic wolves before him, him madder than a hatter, and those who are mad in history, that are rulers are often led down a path of tyranny and soon defeat, yet Defami will never let himself be defeated, and he will succeed in the end.
"I could care less if your siecies dies out, as long as I prevail!
If I had it my way, you wolves would be breeding slaves!"

Buzi and Modi growled at Defami, them enraged by Defami's words, but Defami was stronger than them, so they have no choice but to obey him, and the cat shifter then hisses at them, and an invisible force from his hiss threw the two wolves against the nearest wall, and the two wolves groan in pain, them glaring at Defami in utter fathom.
"Know your place you arrogant flea bags, that I am older and stronger, and can easily kill you all, and there is nothing you can do!
Since I wiped the Lone Wolves out, you will be next, if you piss me off enough, got it!"

"We understand milord."
Buzi gives into Defami's whims, in spite of his hatred for the cat shifter, and Modi bows his head in submission though he loathed the older and much stronger cat shifter as well, yet the two had no choice but to obey his whims, until the war they involved themselves is is won.

"Now get me that newborn pup so I can devour her whole!"
Defami spat, pointing for them to leave, the two wolves get up, and left the room, and Defami laughed like an insane person as the two wolves shut the doors behind them.

"That bitch is going to make us wolves extinct if this keeps up!"
Modi growled out to Buzi, hating the fact Defami declared he does not care if werewolves become extinct by forcing Romodium down their throats.
"All for power."
Modi threw his hands up sarcastically, and dramatically.

"Defami is the only chance we have at dominating the human race, so we will not be in hiding anymore, so if it results in us only be few in numbers, then fine by me.
And I suggest we choose certain wolves to have breed with the omega males, and regular females, as well as humans, so that our lineages can pass on, even if it's by force upon them, and force them to breed for us."
Buzi says to Modi, giving him a serious look.
"That kind of crime that violates the United Nations only applies to humans doing the same to humans, and not us supernatural creatures.
Pick the mothers of your children wisely, stalk the said breeding partner if we must, because I know Defami will indeed make us extinct, since he loathes us wolves as well as loathes vampires, him wronged by Drakeo and Eros in his past, so this is vengeance upon vampires and werewolves."

"That is a cruel thing to do, but I do not want to be extinct, so I will let my men know.
We Rogues like you Pack Wolves run in small packs, your packs are large, ours are not.
This is survival at its fittest if Defami wants to conquer humanity and all supernatural beings."
Modi says to Buzi, and Buzi nods, him agreeing with Modi, and at least the two wolves, though they hate each other, agree on bettering their survival, even if it's by force breeding human beings to continue their bloodlines.
It was an all out war, and all out survival of the fittest, and no human nor other supernatural creature in South Carolina will bow down to them, and submit to being forced bred for the werewolve's survival so they will not go extinct.

"I agree.
But if we fail in nabbing that pup, then it shall be our heads and our children's heads rolling."
Buzi says to Modi, giving him a serious look, and both wolves know that they must work together to survive nevertheless have their bloodlines carry onward by force if need be.

"I know, which is why we must get this pup for Defami, for our survival."
Modi nods when Buzi says that.

"For our survival as wolves we must succeed."
Buzi clenched his jaw, knowing this war will determine if the werewolves of the world become an extinct species in the future.


To be continued......

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