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Jongho looked around Yeosang's small apartment as he sat on one of the chairs in the dining room.

Yeosang felt so awkward as he made them tea after he changed and offered Jongho to change his clothes too when he politely declined. And now Yeosang knew that Jongho is probably judging him deep inside because his apartment is probably like one of the rooms in his house.

He suddenly regret the fact that he invited Jongho to come, and Yeosang thought how he should shoo Jongho away in a subtle way.  Yeosang doesn't know what came over him that he actually decided to ask that, and now he has to literally hide in the kitchen because he doesn't know how to talk to Jongho now. 

I mean, no one invites their boss over to their place. Yeosang just hoped Jongho got it just as a friendly invitation and nothing else. 

"There you go.." Yeosang mumbled as he placed a steaming hot mug of black tea in front of Jongho, sitting across him afterwards and silently looking down to his own mug. 

Jongho thanked him and pulled it closer, now both of them being silent and just looking down to their tea. 

"How come that you live alone? I expected that you at least have a roommate." Jongho suddenly spoke up.

Yeosang looked up to him slowly, blinking as him and Jongho connected eyes.

The thunder outside suddenly flashed, and a loud noise was heard. Yeosang jumped lightly, not really enjoying the sounds outside. 

The rain just kept falling down, but Yeosang didn't feel any calmer now that he is at home.

"Uh- Well, I did share an apartment with Wooyoung for a long time, but I moved out because me and Yungseo- My ex boyfriend, moved in together here." Yeosang explained, trying not to break down. 

He hated thunders, and he hated any type of rain. 

It just never made sense. Maybe it was because he got thrown out by his dad when his parents were arguing when he was 7. 

His parents were arguing and Yeosang had to hide inside of a closet, and all he wanted was to get comfort from his parents because he was just scared. But one day, Yeosang was left alone in the rain by his father. 

He was just a kid, and all those fights soon turned in the physical abuse from his father. He was drunk, and he always hit Yeosang and his mom until she finally got enough of it and divorced.

Yeosang didn't remember much of it later, but he was a teen when his mom met his stepfather. He though he and his mom had a good relationship, but after his stepfather came in life, it all changed.

They argued because he was against her new boyfriend, and as soon as he turned 18, he moved out and lived with Wooyoung. 

"So you threw him out after he cheated on you?" Jongho asked.

Yeosang nodded. "Of course I did. I bought this apartment, so I have every right to do that. He had the audacity to fuck that Barbie in our bed, so I even bought a new bed after that."

Jongho laughed as he took a sip of his still steaming hot tea, and Yeosang just had to smile when he heard him laugh again.

"That's the good thing you did. He deserved that, so he can live with that girl now."

Yeosang nodded. "I felt bad about being played, but I didn't feel bad about throwing him out at all."

"And of course you shouldn't feel bad. He really did deserve after cheating on such a pretty boy. I could never do that."

Yeosang swore his heart skipped a few of beats as he heard what he just said. He couldn't believe it at all, his boss just called him pretty?

Yeosang chuckled awkwardly, and just as he was about to say something, the loud crashing sound was heard outside again. He jumped in his seat, feeling his heart racing as he let out shaky breaths literally a moment after.

Jongho widened his eyes in shock, placing his mug down and immediately standing up and walking to Yeosang without thinking. The male was shaking as he leaned down, completely disoriented and scared.

He cupped Yeosang's cheeks as he kneeled down to his level, rubbing his cheeks slowly as he let out a soft 'shhh' and made Yeosang slowly calm down.

He was at the edge of tears, and Yeosang was so scared. Jongho pushed his head closer to him, trying to calm him down. 

"Hey, hey. Calm down, you are safe." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang was still letting out deep breaths, body shaking and closing his eyes as Jongho rubbed his cheeks.

"Are you scared?" Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang let out a small sniffle as he nodded his head, still breathing hardly and not feeling sure at all what was happening as he couldn't stop the tears going out of his eyes. He was shaking and almost crying at the sound of rain hitting the windows. 

Jongho pursued his lips, trying to find a way to calm Yeosang down. He let out a small 'shh' again and tucked the string of hair behind Yeosang's ear. 

"It's okay-"

Jongho was cut off by the loud sound being heard outside again, and Yeosang jumped again in surprise. He immediately wrapped his arms around Jongho, not even thinking about it and just starting to cry hard. 

Yeosang was sobbing as Jongho hugged him back, rubbing the male's back in calm matter as Yeosang clung to him like a koala and just cried harder and harder. 

"Shh, calm down. You're safe with me Yeosang.." Jongho mumbled in his ear as he hugged him back. 

Yeosang sobbed, holding onto him and wetting Jongho's button up as he cried and cried. 

Jongho didn't know what to do, but he just couldn't leave Yeosang here. He was obviously so afraid and scared to the core.

"Hey, come on.." Jongho mumbled as he slowly lifted Yeosang up from the chair. 

Yeosang was tightening his hold on Jongho, wrapping his legs around his waist as Jongho let out a small sigh and hold him by the back of his thighs. 

He wasn't sure where the bedroom was, but Jongho carried him down the hallway and peeked through every room there. Yeosang clung to him tighter every time there was a loud sound heard from outside, and he was obviously even more afraid. 

Jongho finally found the bedroom, walking over to the bed and slowly placing Yeosang down in the middle. The male sobbed and shivered, making Jongho pull the blanket over his body and petting his hair. 

He was about to leave the room, slowly moving from the bed until Jongho's wrist was caught. 

"Stay.." Yeosang mumbled as he tugged onto his wrist. 

Jongho really didn't want to leave him alone, but he also knew he can't just leave him. He let out a small sigh, smiling at Yeosang who was clearly confused.

He mumbled a small 'okay', knowing that he wasn't supposed to do this with his employee, but he just couldn't resist Yeosang's cuteness. 

The male closed his eyes slowly as Jongho lied down next to him. Both of them were still in work attires, but none of them cared anymore. 

Jongho raised his hand up and petted his hair, making Yeosang completely relax. He let out a quiet whimper as the storm hit again. 

Jongho immediately reflexively placed his hand over Yeosang's left ear since his right one was pressed into the pillow. It did make a sound less hearable for him, and Yeosang just kept his eyes closed and let out a small sigh. 

"Go to sleep. I'll be right here, okay?" Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang didn't reply, instead relaxing and obviously not hearing a thing anymore. He slowly drifted to sleep, and Jongho smiled to himself as he watched him sleep. 

"You're still scared of thunders, huh?" Jongho whispered to himself quietly.

Jongho watched him sleep, slowly moving closer and pulling Yeosang so his head was pressed against his chest and hand over his ear.

He hugged Yeosang and smiled to himself as he pressed a kiss on top of his head.

God, I missed you so much my love.. Jongho thought.

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