Chapter 8 - A Whispered Invitation

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Lunch time rolls around, you and the Cardinal stroll up to the table that is set, everyone is waiting and you both are the last to be seated. Terzo stands up out of his chair and gestures you to sit down, the Cardinal hesitant watches you as you accept Terzos offer and sit down.

As you sit at the table with the Cardinal next to you on one side and Terzo on the other, the warm sun beams on your skin, feeling a sensation of warmth, and the smell of fresh fruit and small appetizers lay amongst the table in front of you, you feel deep comfort and contentment.

Since you already ate with the Cardinal during your private lunch with him you don't seem so intrigued on eating anything. You look to your right and the Cardinal seemed to be in his element, engaged in animated conversation with the ghouls who gathered around. His eyes sparkled with delight, and his laughter resonated through the warm air, it brought a smile to your face.

As the Ghouls, Papas, and the Cardinal chat amongst themselves, you feel a warm hand gently being placed on your left thigh, you turn your head and Terzo catches your gaze, he looks deep into your eyes with his split colored eyes staring into your soul, a cool chill rolls down your spine, you open your mouth to speak but he stops you while he puts his finger on your lips.

"Shhh.. not now.. save it for later.. I would like to ask you if you'd like to go on a tour around the ministry with me, a tour the cardinal hasn't shown you?"

You think about what could he possibly be offering you, as you sit there confused, you look around the table to see if anyone noticed, you look back at Terzo as he sits there starring at you with a sly grin on his face.

"What exactly are you taking about Terzo?"

"What do you mean y/n? It's nothing more than just another tour, around the ministry where the cardinal hasn't taken you off course."

He smiles as he stands up, and places his hand on your shoulder, he opens his mouth to alert everyone at the table.

"I'll be excusing myself from the table, thank you Primo for the wonderful lunch you have prepared."

Primo gives a soft nod to Terzo. You look to your right and the Cardinal looks at Terzo and you with a furrowed brow confused. Terzo crouches down and leans to whisper something in your ear.

"Since you're new here i'd love to show you something special, maybe the Cardinal might like? Meet me in the chapel at 10pm tonight."

He taps you lightly on the shoulder as he stands up and starts to walk away. You look back at the Cardinal as he sits there confused looking at you.

"So uh.. y/n what was that all about?"

"Oh uh he just wanted to tell me something about later, not sure though."

The Cardinal looks at you with a dull look strung look across his face, suddenly he smiles and he stands up.

"Well I must better get going then, we have tons of work to get done, is that right y/n?"

You look up at the Cardinal and give him a soft smile as you stand up as well.

"Well I must thank you my dearest brother for the meal, but we have to get going now.."

The Cardinal gestures you to get up quickly as you agree and stand up, giving everyone at the table a soft smile as you and the Cardinal both walk away back into the ministry.

You both make it to his office, he walks to his desk and you walk to the two seats that are placed along the wall of his office, without chatting you both get to work. You look around the room and your eyes read the clock 3:30, you think to yourself

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