Chapter 13: Dark Energon Rampage

Start from the beginning

MI: "Young Master?"

Z: "Sigh... yes. Since i'm the 'little brother', okay? It's nice to see you again, HK."

HK-47: "Observation: Oh. It seems you have a Intruder in your group. Do you want me to Atomize her once we meet up, Master?"

Zim quickly spoke up.

Z: "WAITWAITWAIT! HK... this is Millie.... my bondmate. Do NOT Atomize her."

HK-47: "Intrigued: You got a bondmate? Congratulations, young Master."

Y/N: "Speaking of bondmates... you still remember Tak right?"

T: "Hey HK."

HK-47: "Intrigued: Interesting. I calculated a possibility of 50% that my Master would Atomize you personaly or order me to Atomize you Tak. Your a bond pair now?"

Y/N puts his arm around Tak and hugged her.

Y/N: "Yes. She's my First Lady on this Planet."

Z: "It's a very nice reunion yes... but HK we have a proplem."

HK-47: "Explanation: It involves your Mothership, yes? Master has given me a Sit-Rep on the Mission. And i'm here to give you a helping hand on your current Mission to regain control over the Planet."

T: "Really? How so?"

HK-47: "Explanation: I will give you Fire support whenever needed. Organize and plan your Mission inside your Base. And i bring you a perfect replacement for your destroyed Mothership."

That had the group stunned...

Z: "A new Mothership?! How?!"

HK-47: "Explanation: I got hold of a new Mothership in another Star System. The good news is that i'm orbiting the Moon Phobos in this very Solar System. I managed to hack into the Systems and brought it there. The bad news is that the Ships Security Systems regained control of the Main Systems of the Ship. I need your Irken Invader Override Codes to bring this Ship under Imperial Irken control. And with that... under yours."

Y/N thought for a second before answering.

Y/N: "HK. Send your coordinates. We bring the codes."

HK-47: "Answer: Very well. Coordinates send. See you in a bit, Master."

Y/N ended the vidcall and the group got ready... then Tak spoke up.

T: "Y/N. I got a message from Ponsonby. Asked for a meeting."

Z: "Sigh... the nerve of this Human..."

T: "How about this. Since we need to make progress, me, Millie and GIR meet up with Ponsy while you and Zim meet with HK."

Y/N: "You sure?"

T: "Oh please, Y/N. It's one monkey. Nothing to be worried about."

She gave Y/N a reasuring smile. Y/N of course still hesitates but then gives her his okay.

The group parted. Y/N and Zim boarded their Spacecrafts and flew off to meet up with HK while Tak, Millie and GIR made their way to the other side of the Park to meet with Ponsonby.

Something was off about that guy... but Tak didn't knew what...

They approached Ponsy after leaving their cover.

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now