Chapter ?: What happened in hell? Part 2

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There are a lot of ways how your day can start in Hell.
It could start normal or it could start very... unusal.

In the case of the brilliant inventor and Overlord Sir Pentious however...

Let's say it started with him getting pinned against the wall with an iron grib on his throat by a tall, green skinned Demon.

Not only did he managed to bypass his defenses on his Airship, but Y/N was also able to get rid of Pentious's henchmen.

Y/N glared at the Cobra Demon,

Y/N glared at the Cobra Demon,

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SIR P.: "What?!... What the hell do you want?! Who even are you?!"

Y/N: "The one who turns you into a belt if you don't answer my question... I've heard you are in possession of some interesting technology. I look for parts for a Teleport Gate, and you my friend seem to possess the right parts for it."

SIR P.: "What?! Get your own Tech you Basssstard!"

Y/N takes his Disintegrator Ray out of his PAK and aims at Sir Pentious's head.

SIR P.: "... on the other hand im very willing to share..."

Y/N: "Good boy. Take course to the abandoned warehouses at Imp City. You will drop the stuff there..."

Pentious does what he his told. He took the controls of his Airship and takes course to Imp City.

Y/N on the other hand has a more evil idea on how he can spread a bit more chaos here.

Y/N: "You know Penti... That is a nice looking Airship you have here..."

SIR P.: "Well... thank you! At lassst sssome recognition."

Y/N: "Yeah... but you know what? That thing really can use a weapons upgrade. How about this? You give me ALL the parts you have onboard. And i will give ya a real good upgrade on your stuff."

SIR P.: "You are holding me at gunpoint... And i shall jussst believe you... jussst like thisss?"

Y/N: "I don't think you have a choice in that matter Penti... also... free upgrades on your shit... What ya say?"

It took Pentious some seconds to make a decision. But this green skinned Demon really has some interesting technology of his own. It could really be a good deal.

So he accepts.

After about 15 minutes of flying they reach their destination.

Pentious unloaded all of his parts and spare parts for his Airship at the abandoned Warehouse. Y/N took care of the 'upgrade' he promised Pentious in return.

After this little deal there were no needs for any more death threats and both of them parted ways in peace. Y/N watched on the small TV that was standing at the Warehouse how Pentious uses the him given upgrades.

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя