Chapter 6: From Russia with love

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Bay City
Coyote Bongwater's hideout

The mission was a success.

Coyote was dead and his plans to poison Bay City with his mind-toxin, Revelade, will never come true.

Y/N turned everyone who stood between him and his target into ash or very, VERY small pieces.
But now he faced a new proplem...

Tak contacted him, and she sound very on edge...

T: "Y/N, we have a proplem!"

Y/N: "Tak, what's the situation?"

T: "I just intercepted a transmission from the KGB high command in Bay City! They sended almost every available unit in your direction! Your surrounded!"

Y/N left the command section of the bunker and faces the entrance, still keeping his cool.

Y/N: "Those poor bastards... Tak, are you able to locate where the Transmission came from?"

T: "Yes i can. But Y/N.... i don't register any other entrances at the bunker. You have to shoot your way out."

Y/N grabed his Ion Detonator and fired multible grenades at the door.
Then he slowly lifts his Zap-O-Matic, Disintegrator Ray and his Fusion Cannon up, aiming at the door.

Y/N: "And i won't have it any other way... Tak, i take care of this and contact you after i'm done here."

T: "There are a lot of them, be careful."

Y/N: "Will do, little Death Star."


Black Sedan's and armored vehicles reached the hideout. Stopping right at the entrance, the KGB agents exited their transports and started to aim at the large metall gate. Once everyone got into position, the leading Agent gave one of his colleagues a nod. The sign to open the gate.

The Agent followed the command of his superior and slowly walked with a raised gun towards a control panel at the side of the gate, still aiming at the gate while doing so.

He reached the console and started to give in a command that would override the security.

Little did he knew that Y/N already used his multi purpose key for the gate.

Y/N pushed the second button on his Ion Detonator to trigger the grenades.
The coming explosion ripped the gate out of it's hinges and made it fly towards the KGB vehicles, crashing into them and killing some of the agents who used their transports for cover.

Y/N used the moment to rush out of the bunker on his PAK Spiderlegs and with his guns in hand.
Using his Fusion Cannon on the big targets while using his Zap-O-Matic and his Disintegrator Ray to take care of the agents themselfs.

The agents are running around burning and screaming... they flew through the air like ragdolls... or they got completely vaporized... all in all, a beautiful day for our beloved 'Hero' of this story.

He crouched down on one knee as he uses the commotion to summon his saucer.
The KGB was everywhere. Right after he gave his saucer the signal for evacuation he started to open fire once again.
The screaming engines of Y/N's saucer teared through the air as it parked itself above the carnage. Y/N quickly jumped into the cockpit and used the saucer's Death Ray to annihilate the rest of the KGB ambush.
He hits the gas. Flying out of the tunnel with Mach 2. He reached a certain high that made it impossible for the KGB to attack him.

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now