Chapter 8: Albion Infiltration

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Membrane Residence

A few days earlier

4:05 pm

The big headed idiot known as Dib drags his burned body into his house.
Parts of his clothes still smoking and parts of his skin black like coal.

But on the bright side, Y/N managed to burn the ugly out of Dib's face... more or less.

Well... atleast he's not stuck in his chair anymore...

Dib yanks himself on the couch and lays there. Panting.

D: "How?... How do i always end up being on fire?... I need to do something but what!? And how?!... Am i really the only human being on Earth who sees through their disguises?!..."

Dib yells at no one. He was frustrated. He is propably the only hope for humanity to get rid of our Irken 'Heroes'... or atleast that's what he tolds himself.

Majestic was full of crazy people yes, and they only recruited him because so they have access to Membrane labs yes, but atleast they helped him to contain and control the Irken situation.

(To no avail, but kudos for trying)

So Dib lays there... thinking on what to do.
That was until his phone rang.

He sit up and answered it.

D: "Hello?..."

A voice with a heavy russian accent spoke up.

???: "Privet, comrade Membrane."

D: "What the- Who is there and how do you know my name?"

???: "Now now, comrade. There is no need for hostilities. My gouverment and i just recently stumbled across your... Irken proplem."

Dib's eyes went wide.

D: "How do yo-"

???: "Comrade. We can discuss such things under four eyes if you wish... But the truth is, we need access to Membrane labs, to continue and finish our operation against our common threat."

D: "And how do you think you could defeat our 'common enemy'? Others have tried and failed..."

???: "So Majestic was also able to shoot their Mothership out of the sky?"

Dib went silent...

D: "W-what?..."

???: "I will send some of my agents to pick you up... Both of our Countrys will see us as heroes once we are done."

The mysterious stranger hung up. Dib just sat there...


Was he really going to do this AGAIN?
Majestic only used him for their own gain. Who says those Russians will treat him any different? Will he do this?
Will he be this stupid again?

D: "I... i need to get ready! The world is counting on me!"

...yes he will be...



United Kingdom


4:05 pm

Y/N landed his saucer inside a completely abandoned construction site. He got his guns out as he scanns the perimeter. It was almost evening so there was not much activity in the City in general. Once he was sure that he was alone, he got his Holo-Communicator out and established a connection to the Homebase.

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now