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Everyone hated Saath and wanted to devour his heart completely. With their abilities in hand, they attacked Saath’s defensive shield with all their might.

Nie Xiao’s eyes were red with loathing. The pouring rain drenched his clothes as he yelled Xie Jun’s name. A black sledgehammer was instantly drawn to his palm. Enormous gale and lightning bolts as heavy as ten thousand catties shot out from the sky and accurately pierced Saath’s defensive shield.

“Fucking die for me!!!—”

Saath was forcefully beaten back. Blood spurted out of his mouth, but he didn’t counterattack and instead smiled strangely and nefariously. He quietly raised his hand and threw a large number of ability cores at the surrounding low-level zombies, instantly causing them to enter a frenzied state. A zombie king introducing ability cores into their bodies made them gain abilities—manipulation of zombie tides and instigation of inferior zombies’ strength advancement were exclusive powers of a zombie king.

Duan Wenyu, Ning Feng, and the others watched this scene with their eyes wide open. They tried their best to intercept the sprinkled ability cores but some slippery fish still escaped the net and entered the inferior zombies. “Saath, you motherfvcking bastard!!!!”

At this moment, zombies all over the world were rampaging, and all the human bases were surrounded by an unprecedented wave of zombies. Apart from Bai Mei, other human zombie kings under Saath’s control also appeared. They promoted entire zombie armies’ combat effectiveness.

Schools of zombie fish also began to riot in the sea. In the ocean, the hegemon zombies swept up huge tsunamis, attacking the coastline around continental plates and various islands amid the sea. Giant deep-sea zombie octopuses climbed onto the coastal beaches, rendering the places their tentacles passed by a mess.

The whole world was dark and chaotic.

“What pleasant cries!” 

Saath put his hand to his ear as if he could hear the tragic wails of despair coming from the world. He wanted to dance happily, and his face showed a deranged expression. Since his plan was revealed and declared a failure, plus the little prince disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown, he had completely gone crazy. “All of you sabotaged my new world ambition and ruined my hope of reviving the Qitu race, so I will destroy your world! Let’s go to hell together hahaha!!!”

Nie Xiao saw the lunatic’s eyes become dark. While attacking him, he calmly said to Wu Wenqi and the others, “Wenqi, Ning Feng, Major General Wu, Luo Yunhai, and Sislow, you guys go back and aid the base. Xiao Yu, Liu Dashan and the others definitely need help right now!!”

“No!” Luo Yunhai immediately shook his head, tears mixed with rain in his eyes. “I won’t go back, I’m going to guard Xiao Bai here!!”

“You need to calm down. It’s not at all suitable to stay here!” Xiao Yan went up and slapped Luo Yunhai’s face. Then with red eyes, she appeased him by saying, “Don’t worry, we will return you an intact Bai Mei, so go back to the base and protect Xiao Bai’s brother, you hear me?!!!”

Luo Yunhai was slapped sober. His eyes were red as he raised his hand to wipe the rain and tears on his face. He transformed himself into sand, leaned close to Bai Mei, and lightly kissed his cheek. Bai Mei, who was confined in the sandy soil, made supreme efforts to regain a moment of consciousness and stammeringly said “love you” towards Luo Yunhai. Everyone at the scene who heard it blushed.

Luo Yunhai finally took one teary deep gaze at Bai Mei before turning his head toward Xiao Yan, Jiang Qiu, and the crew. With red eyes and a hoarse voice, he said, “Then please take care of Xiao Bai.”

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