56 - Drunken Encounter

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As the night wore on, the alcohol had taken a firm hold on Asmodeus. His once meticulously kept appearance had given way to a disheveled charm. His silky black hair was slicked back in a devilishly handsome manner, and his black leather coat hung carelessly on a nearby chair. His white suit blouse had been unbuttoned twice, revealing a glimpse of his muscular and broad chest and collarbone.

At his table, Asmodeus continued to drown his thoughts in alcohol, his mind hazy but fixated on thoughts of Seraphina and their unborn child. The love and anticipation he felt for them were a constant presence in his inebriated state.

However, the peaceful moment was shattered when a group of Asmodeus's colleagues, whom he had grown to dislike intensely, stumbled drunkenly into the bar. They approached Asmodeus's table with an aggressive and fierce gaze, their intentions unclear but suggesting trouble was imminent.

Asmodeus, though inebriated, remained vigilant. He eyed the group with a mixture of annoyance and disdain, his protective instincts kicking in even in his current state. He knew that these colleagues were troublemakers, and he was prepared to defend himself if necessary.

The tension in the air was palpable, and it seemed as though a confrontation was inevitable. Asmodeus's thoughts briefly strayed to Seraphina and their unborn child, praying silently that he would be able to resolve the situation without violence and return to his beloved's side unscathed.

In this chapter, Asmodeus finds himself heavily drunk and disheveled in the bar, lost in thoughts of Seraphina and their unborn child. However, his moment of peace is disrupted when a group of disliked colleagues enters, and a confrontation looms on the horizon.


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